21/03/2008, 20:27
 | | | Fecha de Ingreso: diciembre-2007 Ubicación: México
Mensajes: 484
Antigüedad: 17 años, 2 meses Puntos: 8 | |
como hacer que un formulario php envie archivos Hola, tengo un formulario web en php, pero no logro hacer que envie archivos, quiero que los usuarios puedan enviar sus imagenes a mi email a traves del formulario se requieren dar permisos especiales, miran el codigo es mas o menos asi.d Cita: <?
################################################## #############################
# Paypal and 2Checkout Order Processing Form
################################################## ############################
// Is life so dear..
function print_error($reason,$type = 0) {
global $version;
build_body($title, $bgcolor, $text_color, $link_color, $vlink_color, $alink_color, $style_sheet);
// for missing required data
if ($type == "missing") {
El formulario no se ha podido enviar por la siguiente razon:<p>
echo $reason."\n";
Por favor use el botón de atrás de su navegador y haga otro intento.<?
} else { // every other error
El formulario no se ha podido enviar por la siguiente razon:<p>
echo "<br><br>\n";
echo "<small>\n\n";
// or peace so sweet
function parse_form($array) {
// build reserved keyword array
$reserved_keys[] = "MAX_FILE_SIZE";
$reserved_keys[] = "required";
$reserved_keys[] = "redirect";
$reserved_keys[] = "email";
$reserved_keys[] = "require";
$reserved_keys[] = "path_to_file";
$reserved_keys[] = "recipient";
$reserved_keys[] = "subject";
$reserved_keys[] = "bgcolor";
$reserved_keys[] = "text_color";
$reserved_keys[] = "link_color";
$reserved_keys[] = "vlink_color";
$reserved_keys[] = "alink_color";
$reserved_keys[] = "title";
$reserved_keys[] = "missing_fields_redirect";
$reserved_keys[] = "env_report";
if (count($array)) {
while (list($key, $val) = each($array)) {
// as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery
$reserved_violation = 0;
for ($ri=0; $ri<count($reserved_keys); $ri++) {
if ($key == $reserved_keys[$ri]) {
$reserved_violation = 1;
// Forbid it, Almighty God
if ($reserved_violation != 1) {
if (is_array($val)) {
for ($z=0;$z<count($val);$z++) {
$content .= "$key: $val[$z]\n";
} else {
$content .= "$key: $val\n";
return $content;
// I know not what course others may take
function mail_it($content, $subject, $email, $recipient) {
mail($recipient, $subject, $content, "From: $email\r\nReply-To: $email\r\nX-Mailer: DT_formmail");
// but as for me
function build_body($title, $bgcolor, $text_color, $link_color, $vlink_color, $alink_color, $style_sheet) {
if ($style_sheet)
echo "<LINK rel=STYLESHEET href=\"$style_sheet\" Type=\"text/css\">\n";
if ($title)
echo "<title>$title</title>\n";
if (!$bgcolor)
$bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
if (!$text_color)
$text_color = "#000000";
if (!$link_color)
$link_color = "#0000FF";
if (!$vlink_color)
$vlink_color = "#FF0000";
if (!$alink_color)
$alink_color = "#000088";
if ($background)
$background = "background=\"$background\"";
echo "<body bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\" text=\"$text_color\" link=\"$link_color\" vlink=\"$vlink_color\" alink=\"$alink_color\" $background>\n\n";
// give me liberty or give me death.
$recipient_in = split(',',$recipient);
for ($i=0;$i<count($recipient_in);$i++) {
$recipient_to_test = trim($recipient_in[$i]);
if (!eregi("^[_\\.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+\\.)+[a-z]{2,3}$", $recipient_to_test)) {
print_error("<b>I NEED VALID RECIPIENT EMAIL ADDRESS ($recipient_to_test) TO CONTINUE</b>");
// Patrick Henry
if ($required)
$require = $required;
// March 23
if ($require) {
// seperate at the commas
$require = ereg_replace( " +", "", $require);
$required = split(",",$require);
for ($i=0;$i<count($required);$i++) {
$string = trim($required[$i]);
// 1775
if((!(${$string})) || (!(${$string}))) {
// if the missing_fields_redirect option is on: redirect them
if ($missing_fields_redirect) {
header ("Location: $missing_fields_redirect");
$missing_field_list .= "<b>Missing: $required[$i]</b><br>\n";
// send error to our mighty error function
if ($missing_field_list)
// check the email fields for validity
if (($email) || ($EMAIL)) {
$email = trim($email);
if ($EMAIL)
$email = trim($EMAIL);
if (!eregi("^[_\.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,3}$", $email)) {
print_error("your <b>email address</b> is invalid");
$EMAIL = $email;
// check zipcodes for validity
if (($ZIP_CODE) || ($zip_code)) {
$zip_code = trim($zip_code);
if ($ZIP_CODE)
$zip_code = trim($ZIP_CODE);
if (!ereg("(^[0-9]{5})-([0-9]{4}$)", trim($zip_code)) && (!ereg("^[a-zA-Z][0-9][a-zA-Z][[:space:]][0-9][a-zA-Z][0-9]$", trim($zip_code))) && (!ereg("(^[0-9]{5})", trim($zip_code)))) {
print_error("your <b>zip/postal code</b> is invalid");
// check phone for validity
if (($PHONE_NO) || ($phone_no)) {
$phone_no = trim($phone_no);
if ($PHONE_NO)
$phone_no = trim($PHONE_NO);
if (!ereg("(^(.*)[0-9]{3})(.*)([0-9]{3})(.*)([0-9]{4}$)", $phone_no)) {
print_error("your <b>phone number</b> is invalid");
// check phone for validity
if (($FAX_NO) || ($fax_no)) {
$fax_no = trim($fax_no);
if ($FAX_NO)
$fax_no = trim($FAX_NO);
if (!ereg("(^(.*)[0-9]{3})(.*)([0-9]{3})(.*)([0-9]{4}$)", $fax_no)) {
print_error("your <b>fax number</b> is invalid");
// prepare the content
$content = parse_form($HTTP_POST_VARS);
// check for a file if there is a file upload it
if ($file_name) {
if ($file_size > 0) {
if (!ereg("/$", $path_to_file))
$path_to_file = $path_to_file."/";
$location = $path_to_file.$file_name;
if (file_exists($path_to_file.$file_name))
$location .= ".new";
$content .= "Uploaded File: ".$location."\n";
// second file.
if ($file2_name) {
if ($file_size > 0) {
if (!ereg("/$", $path_to_file))
$path_to_file = $path_to_file."/";
$location = $path_to_file.$file2_name;
if (file_exists($path_to_file.$file2_name))
$location .= ".new";
$content .= "Uploaded File: ".$location."\n";
// if the env_report option is on: get eviromental variables
if ($env_report) {
$env_report = ereg_replace( " +", "", $env_report);
$env_reports = split(",",$env_report);
$content .= "\n------ eviromental variables ------\n";
for ($i=0;$i<count($env_reports);$i++) {
$string = trim($env_reports[$i]);
if ($env_reports[$i] == "REMOTE_HOST")
$content .= "REMOTE HOST: ".$REMOTE_HOST."\n";
else if ($env_reports[$i] == "REMOTE_USER")
$content .= "REMOTE USER: ". $REMOTE_USER."\n";
else if ($env_reports[$i] == "REMOTE_ADDR")
$content .= "REMOTE ADDR: ". $REMOTE_ADDR."\n";
else if ($env_reports[$i] == "HTTP_USER_AGENT")
$content .= "BROWSER: ". $HTTP_USER_AGENT."\n";
// if the subject option is not set: set the default
if (!$subject)
$subject = "Contacto buscasdeweb.com";
// send it off
mail_it(stripslashes($content), stripslashes($subject), $email, $recipient);
// if the redirect option is set: redirect them
if ($redirect) {
header ("Location: $redirect");
} else {
print "El Formulario ha sido enviado con éxito, en breve recibirá una respuesta nuestra, para regresar presiona el boton atras de tu navegador, gracias www.buscasdeweb.com\n";
echo "<br><br>\n";
echo "<small></small>\n\n";
// <---------- THE END ----------> // |