06/03/2008, 16:15
 | | | Fecha de Ingreso: diciembre-2006 Ubicación: Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Re: Importar contactos MSN y Gmail Archivo msn_contact_grab.class.php Código PHP: <?php
Copyright 2007 Jonathan Street [email protected]
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
This class connects to the MSNM service and returns
all the email addresses and screen names in the contact
list of the supplied user.
This is a derivation of a more general purpose php class
available at http://flumpcakes.co.uk/php/msn-messenger.
Unlike the more general purpose class, which can handle
sending and receiving messages, this class solely connects
and the retrieves the contact list.
There are two ways of calling the class.
Calling each of the functions involved seperately and
then getting the emails from a variable in the class
$msn = new msn;
$msn->connect('username', 'password');
$returned_emails = $msn->email_output;
Handling everything in just one function
$msn2 = new msn;
$returned_emails = $msn2->qGrab("username", "password");
class msn
// messenger.hotmail.com is an exchange server
// using it will redirect to a server with an open slot
// using a known server ip will help connect faster
// commenting out $ssh_login will mean the url to the
// secure login server will be taken from a secure
// session. this will slow down connecting a bit.
// Note: comment out $ssh_login if you experience auth failures
var $server = 'messenger.hotmail.com';
var $port = 1863;
var $nexus = 'https://nexus.passport.com/rdr/pprdr.asp';
var $ssh_login = 'login.live.com/login2.srf';
var $debug = 0;
// curl is used for the secure login, if you don't have
// the php_curl library installed, you can use a curl binary
// instead. $use_curl needs to be set to 1 to enable this.
// set $curl to the path where curl is installed.
// curl can be downloaded here: http://curl.haxx.se/download.html
var $curl_bin = 0;
var $curl = '/usr/local/bin/curl'; // linux
//var $curl = 'c:\curl.exe'; // windows
//Used to prevent the script from hanging
var $count = 0;
//Used to store the email addresses until all have been collected
var $email_input = array();
var $email_processing = array();
var $email_output = array();
* desc : Connect to MSN Messenger Network
* in : $passport = passport i.e: [email protected]
* $password = password for passport
* out : true on success else return false
function connect($passport, $password)
$this->trID = 1;
if (!$this->fp = @fsockopen($this->server, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, 2)) {
die("Could not connect to messenger service");
} else {
stream_set_timeout($this->fp, 2);
$this->_put("VER $this->trID MSNP9 CVR0\r\n");
while (! feof($this->fp))
$data = $this->_get();
switch ($code = substr($data, 0, 3))
echo $this->_get_error($code);
return false;
case 'VER':
$this->_put("CVR $this->trID 0x0409 win 4.10 i386 MSNMSGR 7.0.0816 MSMSGS $passport\r\n");
case 'CVR':
$this->_put("USR $this->trID TWN I $passport\r\n");
case 'XFR':
list(, , , $ip) = explode (' ', $data);
list($ip, $port) = explode (':', $ip);
if ($this->fp = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 2))
$this->trID = 1;
$this->_put("VER $this->trID MSNP9 CVR0\r\n");
if (! empty($this->debug)) echo 'Unable to connect to msn server (transfer)';
return false;
case 'USR':
if (isset($this->authed))
return true;
$this->passport = $passport;
$this->password = urlencode($password);
list(,,,, $code) = explode(' ', trim($data));
if ($auth = $this->_ssl_auth($code))
$this->_put("USR $this->trID TWN S $auth\r\n");
$this->authed = 1;
if (! empty($this->debug)) echo 'auth failed';
return false;
//Collects the raw data containing the email addresses
function rx_data()
$this->_put("SYN $this->trID 0\r\n");
//Supplies the second MSG code which stops
//the script from hanging as it waits for
//more content
$this->_put("CHG $this->trID NLN\r\n");
$stream_info = stream_get_meta_data($this->fp);
$email_total = 100;
//the count check prevents the script hanging as it waits for more content
while ((! feof($this->fp)) && (! $stream_info['timed_out']) && ($this->count <= 1) && (count($this->email_input) < $email_total))
$data = $this->_get();
$stream_info = stream_get_meta_data($this->fp);
if ($data)
switch($code = substr($data, 0, 3))
// uncommenting this line here would probably give a load of "error code not found" messages.
//echo $this->_get_error($code);
case 'MSG':
//This prevents the script hanging as it waits for more content
case 'LST':
//These are the email addresses
//They need to be collected in email_input
$this->email_input[] = $data;
if ($this->debug) print("<span class='b'>" . count($this->email_input) . "</span>");
case 'SYN':
$syn_explode = explode(" ", $data);
$email_total = $syn_explode[3];
case 'CHL':
$bits = explode (' ', trim($data));
$return = md5($bits[2].'Q1P7W2E4J9R8U3S5');
$this->_put("QRY $this->trID [email protected] 32\r\n$return");
//This function extracts the emails and screen names from the raw data
//collected by rx_data
function process_emails () {
//Neaten up the emails
//$regex = "|^LST\s(\S+?)\s(\S+?)\s\d+?\s\d+?$|";
foreach($this->email_input as $email_entry) {
//Seperate out the email from the name and other data
$this->email_processing[] = explode(" ", $email_entry);
//Get rid of the unnecessary data and clean up the name
foreach($this->email_processing as $email_entry){
$this->email_output[] = array(0 => $email_entry['1'],
1 => urldecode($email_entry[2]));
//This is a quick way of calling all the seperate functions
//needed to grab the contact list
function qGrab ($username, $password) {
//Connect to the MSNM service
$this->connect($username, $password);
//Get data
//Process emails
//send the email array
return $this->email_output;
} |