Re: Problemas con tarjeta de red en Solaris10 En el archivo de texto las instrucciones son las siguientes:
1. Introduction
This is the broadcom bcm4401 NIC driver for Solaris. It is distributed
under the BSD license.
2. Specification of the driver
File name of the driver: /kernel/drv/bfe
Special file name:
/dev/bfeN (where N is a unit number, typcally 0 for first card)
For example
% ifconfig bfe0
Tested OS version
Solaris8 00/10 x86, Solaris9 12/02 x86
Tested chips and cards
bcm4401 on GREEN HOUSE GH-WL100BB
3. Preparing for installation
(1) Install your PCI card and boot Solaris.
(2) Copy source and binary files.
# gunzip -cd bfe-x.x.x.tar.gz | tar xf -
(3) Add hostname for the NIC card into the /etc/hosts file
(4) If you have installed bcf driver, remove it and reboot the sytem.
# rem_drv bcf
# sync
# init 0
(5) Make links to correct binary directory and Makefile according to your
configuration. i386 and gcc are default.
% cd /.../bfe-x.x.x
% rm obj Makefile
% ln -s Makefile.${KARCH}_${COMPILER} Makefile
% ln -s ${KARCH} obj
where ${KARCH} is the result of `isainfo -n`, and ${COMPILER} is
"gcc" or "suncc" which you want to use to make the binary of the driver.
(6) Making binaries (only for sparc platform)
Bcf driver is ready for 64bit and 32bit solaris8 10/00 sparc or
later. (But currently it isn't tested on sparc platforms.)
This distribution does not include sparc binaries. To make the binaries,
you need Sun C compiler or gcc version 3, and do the following operations.
% /usr/ccs/bin/make
4. Testing
Testing before installation is strongly recommended.
# cd /.../bfe-x.x.x
# /usr/ccs/bin/make install
# ./
# /usr/ccs/bin/make uninstall (for Solaris7, do not execute this )
# modload obj/bfe
# devfsadm -i bfe ( for solaris7, use drvconfig and reboot with -r option )
# ifconfig bfeN plumb ( where N is unit number, typcally 0 for first card)
# ifconfig -a ( you will see an entry for bfe0, ensure ethernet address is correct)
# ifconfig bfeN HOSTNAME
# ifconfig bfeN ( ensure IP address is correct)
# ifconfig bfeN up ( and then you can test with ping, telnet, ftp ...)
5. Installation
After you ensure that the bfe driver is fully functional, install it.
(1) install the bfe driver into kernel directory
# cd /.../bfe-x.x.x
# /usr/ccs/bin/make install
If you did not test bfe driver yet, execute the following commands:
# ./
# devfsadm -i bfe ( for Solaris7 use drvconfig and reboot with -r option )
(2) Configure the network interface. Create and/or modify the following files:
If you want to use bfe with dhcp, you need to create a empty file
below to get an assigned IP address automatically from a dhcp server
at boot time.
(3) Reboot the system.
# init 6
La salida del comando "prtconf -p" es la siguiente:
System Configuration: Sun Microsystems i86pc
Memory size: 504MB
System Peripherals (PROM nodes):
node 'i86pc'
node 'ramdisk'
node 'isa'
node 'pci'
node 'pci1028,1c9'
node 'display'
node 'pci1028,1c9'
node 'pci1028,1c9'
node 'pci8086,2660'
node 'pci8086,2666'
node 'pci1028,1c9'
node 'pci1028,1c9'
node 'pci1028,1c9'
node 'pci1028,1c9'
node 'pci1028,1c9'
node 'pci8086,2448'
node 'pci1028,1c9'
node 'pci1028,5'
node 'pci1028,1c9'
node 'pci-ide'
node 'ide'
node 'ide'
Espero me puedas ayudar... Gracias..!! |