Disculpen tanto fastidio.. pero soy nueva en javascript y de verdad no se donde modificar eso..
pongo el código a ver si me pueden ayudar:
tengo tres archivos que hacen que funcione el calendario. y no se donde restringir que se seleccione el día domingo: creo que en esa parte del código esta para modificarlo....:
* (RE)Initializes the calendar to the given date and firstDayOfWeek
Calendar.prototype._init = function (firstDayOfWeek, date) {
var today = new Date(),
TY = today.getFullYear(),
TM = today.getMonth(),
TD = today.getDate();
this.table.style.visibility = "hidden";
var year = date.getFullYear();
if (year < this.minYear) {
year = this.minYear;
} else if (year > this.maxYear) {
year = this.maxYear;
this.firstDayOfWeek = firstDayOfWeek;
this.date = new Date(date);
var month = date.getMonth();
var mday = date.getDate();
var no_days = date.getMonthDays();
// calendar voodoo for computing the first day that would actually be
// displayed in the calendar, even if it's from the previous month.
// WARNING: this is magic. ;-)
var day1 = (date.getDay() - this.firstDayOfWeek) % 7;
if (day1 < 0)
day1 += 7;
date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
var row = this.tbody.firstChild;
var MN = Calendar._SMN[month];
var ar_days = this.ar_days = new Array();
var weekend = Calendar._TT["WEEKEND"];
var dates = this.multiple ? (this.datesCells = {}) : null;
for (var i = 0; i < 6; ++i, row = row.nextSibling) {
var cell = row.firstChild;
if (this.weekNumbers) {
cell.className = "day wn";
cell.innerHTML = date.getWeekNumber();
cell = cell.nextSibling;
row.className = "daysrow";
var hasdays = false, iday, dpos = ar_days[i] = [];
for (var j = 0; j < 7; ++j, cell = cell.nextSibling, date.setDate(iday + 1)) {
iday = date.getDate();
var wday = date.getDay();
cell.className = "day";
cell.pos = i << 4 | j;
dpos[j] = cell;
var current_month = (date.getMonth() == month);
if (!current_month) {
if (this.showsOtherMonths) {
cell.className += " othermonth";
cell.otherMonth = true;
} else {
cell.className = "emptycell";
cell.innerHTML = " ";
cell.disabled = true;
} else {
cell.otherMonth = false;
hasdays = true;
cell.disabled = false;
cell.innerHTML = this.getDateText ? this.getDateText(date, iday) : iday;
if (dates)
dates[date.print("%Y%m%d")] = cell;
if (this.getDateStatus) {
var status = this.getDateStatus(date, year, month, iday);
if (this.getDateToolTip) {
var toolTip = this.getDateToolTip(date, year, month, iday);
if (toolTip)
cell.title = toolTip;
if (status === true) {
cell.className += " disabled";
cell.disabled = true;
} else {
if (/disabled/i.test(status))
cell.disabled = true;
cell.className += " " + status;
if (!cell.disabled) {
cell.caldate = new Date(date);
cell.ttip = "_";
if (!this.multiple && current_month
&& iday == mday && this.hiliteToday) {
cell.className += " selected";
this.currentDateEl = cell;
if (date.getFullYear() == TY &&
date.getMonth() == TM &&
iday == TD) {
cell.className += " today";
cell.ttip += Calendar._TT["PART_TODAY"];
if (weekend.indexOf(wday.toString()) != -1)
cell.className += cell.otherMonth ? " oweekend" : " weekend";
if (!(hasdays || this.showsOtherMonths))
row.className = "emptyrow";
this.title.innerHTML = Calendar._MN[month] + ", " + year;
this.table.style.visibility = "visible";
// this.tooltips.innerHTML = "Generated in " + ((new Date()) - today) + " ms";
disculpen por el codigo..