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  #853 (permalink)  
Antiguo 17/02/2008, 13:16
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Re: Empire: Total War

Iniciado por Baron_Von_Aisenhauer Ver Mensaje
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Aparte, os dejo un comentario que ha hecho uno en el foro de la página oficial de Total War, ¿alguien sabe de qué va más o menos?:

I know that CA will put most their effort into the playable factions but i am sure that most of the 50 factions will be un-lockable.

here is my idea of the factions that will be in the game
I am not putting these factions in any particular order

North America
1.Apache Tribe
2. Shawnee or Cherokee Tribe
3.Sioux or Pawnee Tribe
4.Crow Tribe
5. Perhaps an Inuit Tribe in the North
6. The13 colonies Confirmed
Possible emerging nations


7. Ireland
8. England
9. The Norwegian-Danish alliance
10. Sweden
11. Prussia
12. Polish-Lithuania
13. Kingdom of France
14. Spain
15. Portugal
16. Swiss Confederation
17. Savoy
Republic of Genoa confirmed to be Rebel
18. Papal States
19. Venice
20. Austria
21. Hanover
22. United Provinces(Netherlands)
Possible Emerging Nations

Greece and Hungary??

Eurasia and Middle East
23. Ottoman Empire
24. Russia
25. Persia
26. Indian(Mughals)
27. China(Qing Empire)
28. Mongolia
29. Bukara
30. Kazakhs
31. Tibet
32. Burma
33. Vietnam
34. Laos
35. Siam
36. Melanesian faction
37. Ukraine
Possible emerging nations

United Arab Faction or Israeli Faction?

38.Morocco Empire
39. Algerian faction
40. Tunis.
41. Tripoli
43. Aska Hangia

44-50 would be either splinter kingdoms from the recently fallen Songhai empire(Africa) and other emerging nations.
por fin sacan fotos, muy buenas por cierto. El mensaje dice: Se que CA se esfuerzan mas en las facciones jugables, pero estoy seguro de que habrá 50 facciones no jugables. no los pongo en ningun orden concreto: y luego las dice.

PD: por cierto baron estaras contento no?? 1-2 vaya robo...