Tema: Subir Imagen
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Antiguo 16/02/2008, 23:38
Avatar de elfran222
Fecha de Ingreso: junio-2006
Mensajes: 550
Antigüedad: 18 años, 9 meses
Puntos: 7
Re: Subir Imagen

Continuación class.upload.php
 * <b>Changelog</b>
 * <ul> 
 *  <li><b>v 0.25</b> 17/11/2007<br>
 *   - added translation files and mechanism to instantiate the class with a language different from English<br>
 *   - added {@link forbidden} to set an array of forbidden MIME types<br>
 *   - implemented support for simple wildcards in {@link allowed} and {@link forbidden}, such as image/*<br>
 *   - preset the file extension to the desired conversion format when converting an image<br>
 *   - added read and write support for BMP images<br>
 *   - added a flag {@link file_is_image} to determine if the file is a supported image type<br>
 *   - the class now provides some information about the image, before calling {@link process}(). Available are {@link image_src_x}, {@link image_src_y} and the newly introduced {@link image_src_bits}, {@link image_src_pixels} and {@link image_src_type}. Note that this will not work if <i>open_basedir</i> restrictions are in place<br>
 *   - improved logging; now provides useful system information<br>
 *   - added some more pre-processing checks for files that are images: {@link image_max_width}, {@link image_max_height}, {@link image_max_pixels}, {@link image_max_ratio}, {@link image_min_width}, {@link image_min_height}, {@link image_min_pixels} and {@link image_min_ratio}<br>
 *   - added {@link image_ratio_pixels} to resize an image to a number of pixels, keeping aspect ratio<br>
 *   - added {@link image_is_palette} and {@link image_is_transparent} and {@link image_transparent_color} for GIF images<br>
 *   - added {@link image_default_color} to define a fallback color for non alpha-transparent output formats, such as JPEG or BMP<br>
 *   - changed {@link image_background_color}, which now forces transparent areas to be painted<br>
 *   - improved reflections and color overlays so that it works with alpha transparent images<br>
 *   - {@link image_reflection_color} is now deprecated in favour of {@link image_default_color}<br />
 *   - transparent PNGs are now processed in true color, and fully preserving the alpha channel when doing merges<br>
 *   - transparent GIFs are now automatically detected. {@link preserve_transparency} is deprecated<br>
 *   - transparent true color images can be saved as GIF while retaining transparency, semi transparent areas being merged with {@link image_default_color}<br>
 *   - transparent true color images can be saved as JPG/BMP with the semi transparent areas being merged with {@link image_default_color}<br>
 *   - fixed conversion of images to true color<br>
 *   - the class can now output the uploaded files content as the return value of process() if the function is called with an empty or null argumenti, or no argument</li>
 *  <li><b>v 0.24</b> 25/05/2007<br>
 *   - added {@link image_background_color}, to set the default background color of an image<br>
 *   - added possibility of using replacement tokens in text labels<br>
 *   - changed default JPEG quality to 85<br>
 *   - fixed a small bug when using greyscale filter and associated filters<br>
 *   - added {@link image_ratio_fill} in order to fit an image within some dimensions and color the remaining space. Very similar to {@link image_ratio_crop}<br>
 *   - improved the recursive creation of directories<br>
 *   - the class now converts palette based images to true colors before doing graphic manipulations</li>
 *  <li><b>v 0.23</b> 23/12/2006<br>
 *   - fixed a bug when processing more than once the same uploaded file. If there is an open_basedir restriction, the class now creates a temporary file for the first call to process(). This file will be used for subsequent processes, and will be deleted upon calling clean()</li>
 *  <li><b>v 0.22</b> 16/12/2006<br>
 *   - added automatic creation of a temporary file if the upload directory is not within open_basedir<br>
 *   - fixed a bug which was preventing to work on a local file by overwriting it with its processed copy<br>
 *   - added MIME types video/x-ms-wmv and image/x-png and fixed PNG support for IE weird MIME types<br>
 *   - modified {@link image_ratio_crop} so it can accept one or more from string 'TBLR', determining which side of the image is kept while cropping<br>
 *   - added support for multiple lines in the text, using "\n" as a line break<br>
 *   - added {@link image_text_line_spacing} which allow to set the space between several lines of text<br>
 *   - added {@link image_text_alignment} which allow to set the alignment when text has several lines<br>
 *   - {@link image_text_font} can now be set to the path of a GDF font to load external fonts<br>
 *   - added {@link image_reflection_height} to create a reflection of the source image, which height is in pixels or percentage<br>
 *   - added {@link image_reflection_space} to set the space in pixels between the source image and the reflection<br>
 *   - added {@link image_reflection_color} to set the reflection background color<br>
 *   - added {@link image_reflection_opacity} to set the initial level of opacity of the reflection</li>
 *  <li><b>v 0.21</b> 30/09/2006<br>
 *   - added {@link image_ratio_crop} which resizes within {@link image_x} and {@link image_y}, keeping ratio, but filling the space by cropping excedent of image<br>
 *   - added {@link mime_check}, which default is true, to set checks against {@link allowed} MIME list<br>
 *   - if MIME is empty, the class now triggers an error<br>
 *   - color #000000 is OK for {@link image_text_color}, and related text transparency bug fixed<br>
 *   - {@link gd_version}() now uses gd_info(), or else phpinfo()<br>
 *   - fixed path issue when the destination path has no trailing slash on Windows systems <br>
 *   - removed inline functions to be fully PHP5 compatible </li>
 *  <li><b>v 0.20</b> 11/08/2006<br>
 *   - added some more error checking and messages (GD presence, permissions...)<br>
 *   - fix when uploading files without extension<br>
 *   - changed values for {@link image_brightness} and {@link image_contrast} to be between -127 and 127<br>
 *   - added {@link dir_auto_create} to automatically and recursively create destination directory if missing.<br>
 *   - added {@link dir_auto_chmod} to automatically chmod the destination directory if not writeable.<br>
 *   - added {@link dir_chmod} to set the default chmod to use.<br>
 *   - added {@link image_crop} to crop images<br>
 *   - added {@link image_negative} to invert the colors on the image<br>
 *   - added {@link image_greyscale} to turn the image into greyscale<br>
 *   - added {@link image_threshold} to apply a threshold filter on the image<br>
 *   - added {@link image_bevel}, {@link image_bevel_color1} and {@link image_bevel_color2} to add a bevel border<br>
 *   - added {@link image_border} and {@link image_border_color} to add a single color border<br>
 *   - added {@link image_frame} and {@link image_frame_colors} to add a multicolored frame</li>
 *  <li><b>v 0.19</b> 29/03/2006<br>
 *   - class is now compatible i18n (thanks Sylwester).<br>
 *   - the class can mow manipulate local files, not only uploaded files (instanciate the class with a local filename).<br>
 *   - {@link file_safe_name} has been improved a bit.<br>
 *   - added {@link image_brightness}, {@link image_contrast}, {@link image_tint_color}, {@link image_overlay_color} and {@link image_overlay_percent} to do color manipulation on the images.<br>
 *   - added {@link image_text} and all derivated settings to add a text label on the image.<br>
 *   - added {@link image_watermark} and all derivated settings to add a watermark image on the image.<br>
 *   - added {@link image_flip} and {@link image_rotate} for more image manipulations<br>
 *   - added {@link jpeg_size} to calculate the JPG compression quality in order to fit within one filesize.</li>
 *  <li><b>v 0.18</b> 02/02/2006<br>
 *   - added {@link no_script} to turn dangerous scripts into text files.<br>
 *   - added {@link mime_magic_check} to set the class to use mime_magic.<br>
 *   - added {@link preserve_transparency} *experimental*. Thanks Gregor.<br>
 *   - fixed size and mime checking, wasn't working :/ Thanks Willem.<br>
 *   - fixed memory leak when resizing images.<br>
 *   - when resizing, it is not necessary anymore to set {@link image_convert}.<br>
 *   - il is now possible to simply convert an image, with no resizing.<br>
 *   - sets the default {@link file_max_size} to upload_max_filesize from php.ini. Thanks Edward</li>
 *  <li><b>v 0.17</b> 28/05/2005<br>
 *   - the class can be used with any version of GD.<br>
 *   - added security check on the file with a list of mime-types.<br>
 *   - changed the license to GPL v2 only</li>
 *  <li><b>v 0.16</b> 19/05/2005<br>
 *   - added {@link file_auto_rename} automatic file renaming if the same filename already exists.<br>
 *   - added {@link file_safe_name} safe formatting of the filename (spaces to _underscores so far).<br>
 *   - added some more error reporting to avoid crash if GD is not present</li>
 *  <li><b>v 0.15</b> 16/04/2005<br>
 *   - added JPEG compression quality setting. Thanks Vad</li>
 *  <li><b>v 0.14</b> 14/03/2005<br>
 *   - reworked the class file to allow parsing with phpDocumentor</li>
 *  <li><b>v 0.13</b> 07/03/2005<br>
 *   - fixed a bug with {@link image_ratio}. Thanks Justin.<br>
 *   - added {@link image_ratio_no_zoom_in} and {@link image_ratio_no_zoom_out}</li>
 *  <li><b>v 0.12</b> 21/01/2005<br>
 *   - added {@link image_ratio} to resize within max values, keeping image ratio</li>
 *  <li><b>v 0.11</b> 22/08/2003<br>
 *   - update for GD2 (changed imageresized() into imagecopyresampled() and imagecreate() into imagecreatetruecolor())</li>
 * </ul>
 * @package   cmf
 * @subpackage external
class upload {