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  #4 (permalink)  
Antiguo 07/01/2008, 23:38
Fecha de Ingreso: marzo-2007
Mensajes: 3
Antigüedad: 18 años
Puntos: 0
Re: [php-nuke] Ayuda mini modificacion bloque my egallery

No se si aun necesites lo que preguntaste, creo que con esto lo consigues:



/* PHP-NUKE: Web Portal System                                          */ 

/* ===========================                                          */ 

/*                                                                      */ 

/* Copyright (c) 2001 by Idefix                                         */  

/*                                                                      */ 

/* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify */ 

/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ 

/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.       */ 



/* Filename: Block randompic                                            */ 

/* Original  Author:Idefix                                              */ 

/* Tested With PHP NUKE 5.2 and MEG 2.7.4                               */ 


if (eregi("block-randompic.php",$PHP_SELF)) { 

    Header("Location: index.php"); 



$blocks_modules[randompic] = array( 

    'title' => "randompic", 

    'func_display' => 'randompic', 

    'func_add' => '', 

    'func_update' => '', 

    'text_type' => 'randompic', 

    'text_type_long' => '', 

    'text_content' => "randompic", 

    'support_nukecode' => false, 

    'allow_create' => false, 

    'allow_delete' => false, 

    'form_url' => false, 

    'form_content' => false, 

    'form_refresh' => false 


   global $user, $prefix; 


   include 'admin/modules/gallery/config.php'; 


   if (is_user($user)) 

      $total = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT( AS total FROM $prefix"._gallery_pictures." AS p LEFT JOIN $prefix"._gallery_categories." AS c ON c.gallid=p.gid WHERE c.visible>=1")); 


      $total = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT( AS total FROM $prefix"._gallery_pictures." AS p LEFT JOIN $prefix"._gallery_categories." AS c ON c.gallid=p.gid WHERE c.visible>=2")); 


   $p = mt_rand(0,($total[total] - 1)); 

   $pic = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT, p.img,, p.description, c.galloc FROM $prefix"._gallery_pictures." AS p LEFT JOIN $prefix"._gallery_categories." AS c ON c.gallid=p.gid LIMIT $p,1")); 


   $pic[description] = htmlentities($pic[description]); 


   if (file_exists("$gallerypath/$pic[galloc]/thumb/$pic[img]")) 

      $content = "<center><a href=\"$baseurl&amp;do=showpic&amp;pid=$pic[pid]\"><img src=\"$gallerypath/$pic[galloc]/thumb/$pic[img]\" width=\"120\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$pic[description]\"><br><font size=\"1\">$pic[name]</font></a><br><a href=\"$baseurl\">Ir a la galeria</a></center>"; 


      $content = "<center><a href=\"$baseurl&amp;do=showpic&amp;pid=$pic[pid]\"><img src=\"$gallerypath/$pic[galloc]/$pic[img]\" width=\"120\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$pic[description]\"><br><font size=\"1\">$pic[name]</font></a><br><a href=\"$baseurl\">Ir a la galeria</a></center>"; 



Última edición por dj_truco; 07/01/2008 a las 23:50 Razón: Me falto poner el ir a la galeria dentro del $content del ultimo if