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Antiguo 05/12/2007, 04:39
Fecha de Ingreso: diciembre-2006
Mensajes: 6
Antigüedad: 18 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 0
Exclamación instalacion de PlanetPlanet

Hola a todos, espero que me ayuden con esto:

estoy instalando PlanetPlanet pero no tengo ni idea de python y no se como ejecutar el script

hasta ahora subi todos los archivos de PlanetPlanet en htdocs/planeta, puse,, y, en cgi-bin y en htdocs/planet/jb puse los archivos del planeta en si (config.ini, etc...) y configure asi mi archivos config.ini

# Planet configuration file
# This illustrates some of Planet's fancier features with example.

# Every planet needs a [Planet] section
# name: Your planet's name
# link: Link to the main page
# owner_name: Your name
# owner_email: Your e-mail address
name = JujuyBlogs
link =
owner_name = tikitakfire
owner_email = [email protected]

# cache_directory: Where cached feeds are stored
# new_feed_items: Number of items to take from new feeds
# feed_timeout: number of seconds to wait for any given feed
cache_directory = jb/cache
new_feed_items = 2
log_level = DEBUG
feed_timeout = 20

# template_files: Space-separated list of output template files
template_files = jb/index.html.tmpl jb/atom.xml.tmpl jb/rss20.xml.tmpl jb/rss10.xml.tmpl jb/opml.xml.tmpl jb/foafroll.xml.tmpl

# The following provide defaults for each template:
# output_dir: Directory to place output files
# items_per_page: How many items to put on each page
# days_per_page: How many complete days of posts to put on each page
#                This is the absolute, hard limit (over the item limit)
# date_format: strftime format for the default 'date' template variable
# new_date_format: strftime format for the 'new_date' template variable
# encoding: output encoding for the file, Python 2.3+ users can use the
#           special "xml" value to output ASCII with XML character references
# locale: locale to use for (e.g.) strings in dates, default is taken from your
#         system. You can specify more locales separated by ':', planet will
#         use the first available one
output_dir = jb/output
items_per_page = 60
days_per_page = 0
date_format = %B %d, %Y %I:%M %p
new_date_format = %B %d, %Y
encoding = utf-8
# locale = C

# To define a different value for a particular template you may create
# a section with the same name as the template file's filename (as given
# in template_files).

# Provide no more than 7 days articles on the front page
days_per_page = 7
me podrian decir si esta todo bien configurado?
puse bien los directorios en en config.ini?
el dominio ( deve apuntar a htdocs/planeta o a htdocs/planeta/jb?
en el archivo INSTALL que acompaña al script dice que tengo que ejecutar pathto/config.ini, como lo ejecuto?