lo probaré javier,
por mientras les adjunto la sección de código completa....
Código PHP:
<h1>Sample for the multiple dates feature</h1>
<a id="trigger" href="#">[open calendar...]</a>
<div id="output"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
// the default multiple dates selected, first time the calendar is instantiated
var MA = [];
function closed(cal) {
// here we'll write the output; this is only for example. You
// will normally fill an input field or something with the dates.
var el = document.getElementById("output");
// reset initial content.
el.innerHTML = "";
// Reset the "MA", in case one triggers the calendar again.
// CAREFUL! You don't want to do "MA = [];". We need to modify
// the value of the current array, instead of creating a new one.
// Calendar.setup is called only once! :-) So be careful.
MA.length = 0;
// walk the calendar's multiple dates selection hash
for (var i in cal.multiple) {
var d = cal.multiple[i];
// sometimes the date is not actually selected, that's why we need to check.
if (d) {
// OK, selected. Fill an input field. Or something. Just for example,
// we will display all selected dates in the element having the id "output".
el.innerHTML += d.print("%A, %Y %B %d") + "<br />";
// and push it in the "MA", in case one triggers the calendar again.
MA[MA.length] = d;
return true;
align : "BR",
showOthers : true,
multiple : MA, // pass the initial or computed array of multiple dates to be initially selected
onClose : closed,
button : "trigger"