22/11/2007, 03:32
 | | | Fecha de Ingreso: noviembre-2006 Ubicación: Madrid (España)
Mensajes: 266
Antigüedad: 18 años, 3 meses Puntos: 0 | |
Re: mover fotogramas clave en la linea de tiempo
//if the rear page is shown (used in transparent pages)
gsProperty("showRearPage", function () { return this._showRearPage },
function (value) {
this._showRearPage = value ? true : false;
var rearDepth = this._rearPageDepth;
var width = this._pageWidth;
var adjustEven = this._adjustEvenPage;
for (var i in this._pages) {
var page = this._pages[i];
var rear = page.rearPage;
if (!value && rear != null) {
this.handleEvent("onRemovePage", rear, true);
rear = page.rearPage = null;
if (!value || rear != null) return;
var index = page.index + page.side;
if (index < this._firstPage || index > this._firstPage) continue;
rear = page.rearPage = this._pageId == ""
? page.face.createEmptyMovieClip("RearPageMC", rearDepth)
: page.face.attachMovie(this._pageId, "RearPageMC", rearDepth);
rear.index = index;
rear._xscale = -100;
rear._x = !adjustEven ? page.page._x : page.side<0 ? width : 0;
if (this._autoPage) rear.gotoAndStop(index - this._firstPage + 1);
this.handleEvent("onCreatePage", rear, true);
//the settings of the boundary shade
gsProperty("shade", function () { return this._shade },
function (value) { this._shadeSetting("_shade", value) }
//the settings of the page shadow
gsProperty("pageShadow", function () { return this._pageShadow },
function (value) { this._shadeSetting("_pageShadow", value) }
//the button areas that can respond to the flip action
gsProperty("flipArea", function () { return this._flipArea },
function (value) {
for (var i in this._flipArea) {
if (value[i] != null && !isNaN(value[i])) this._flipArea[i] = value[i] ? true : false;
for (var i in this._pages) this._setFlipArea(this._pages[i]);
//the size (in percentage of the page width) of the flip areas
gsProperty("flipSize", function () { return this._flipSize }, public.setFlipSize);
//the dragging accelerate ratio (0~1)
gsProperty("dragAccRatio", function () { return this._dragAccRatio },
function (value) { this._dragAccRatio = value > 1 ? 1 : value > 0 ? Number(value) : 0 }
//the moving accelerate ratio (0~1)
gsProperty("moveAccRatio", function () { return this._moveAccRatio },
function (value) { this._moveAccRatio = value > 1 ? 1 : value > 0 ? Number(value) : 0 }
//if multiple flipping is allowed
gsProperty("multiFlip", function () { return this._multiFlip },
function (value) { this._multiFlip = value ? true : false }
//if the pages can response to mouse actions
gsProperty("active", function () { return this._active },
function (value) {
this._active = value = value ? true : false;
for (var i in this._pages) {
var page = this._pages[i];
page.faTop.enabled = value;
page.faBottom.enabled = value;
page.faTopInner.enabled = value;
page.faBottomInner.enabled = value;
if (value) this.onMouseMove = this._onMouseMove;
else delete this.onMouseMove;
//list of the visible page objects
gsProperty("pages", function () { return this._pages });
//list of the flipped page objects
gsProperty("flipPages", function () { return this._flipPages });
//the main flipped page's index (nearest to the current page)
gsProperty("flipPage", function () {
return this._flipCount == 0 ? null : this._curPage + (this._flipCount < 0 ? -1 : 2);
//count of the flipped pages (<0 means the flipped pages are on the left)
gsProperty("flipCount", function () { return this._flipCount });
//if it is flipping now
gsProperty("flipping", function () { return this._flipCount != 0 });
} //end of FFlipPage definition
Muchas gracias y saludos
__________________ -- Cuando sientas miedo y no tengas un hombro dónde apoyarte, no te hundas en la soledad, pues si lo haces fracasarás -- |