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Antiguo 22/11/2007, 03:32
Avatar de zaida
Fecha de Ingreso: noviembre-2006
Ubicación: Madrid (España)
Mensajes: 266
Antigüedad: 18 años, 1 mes
Puntos: 0
Re: mover fotogramas clave en la linea de tiempo

//set flipped page's aim position, if not given, it will be set to track mouse
	public.setAimPos = function (index, aimX, aimY) {
		var page		= this._flipPages[int(index)];
		if (page == null) return false;
		var pos			= page.position;
		pos.trackMouse	= aimX == null;
		pos.aimX		= aimX == null ? this._xmouse : Number(aimX);
		pos.aimY		= aimX == null ? this._ymouse : Number(aimY);
		return true;

	//onEnterFrame event handler
	public.onEnterFrame = function () {
		var moveAcc			= this._moveAccRatio;
		var dragAcc			= this._dragAccRatio;
		for (var i in this._flipPages) {
			var page		= this._pages[i];
			var pos			= page.position;
			if (pos.trackMouse == null) {
				if (moveAcc == 0) continue;
				pos.x		+= (pos.aimX - pos.x) * moveAcc;
				if (pos.range.angle < 0 && pos.x * page.side < 0) {
					pos.y	+= (pos.aimY - pos.y) * moveAcc * 2;
				} else {
					pos.y	+= (pos.aimY - pos.y) * moveAcc;
				this.handleEvent("onMovePage", page, pos.x, pos.y);
				var dx		= pos.aimX - pos.x;
				var dy		= pos.aimY - pos.y;
				if (Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) <= Math.abs(this.posPrecision)) this.stopFlip(i, true);
			} else {
				if (dragAcc == 0) continue;
				pos.x		+= (pos.aimX - pos.x) * dragAcc;
				pos.y		+= (pos.aimY - pos.y) * dragAcc;
				this.handleEvent("onDragPage", page, pos.x, pos.y, pos.trackMouse);

	//goto the specified page
	public.gotoPage = function (index, rebuildPages) {
		if (index == null || isNaN(index)) return false;
		index		= Math.floor(int(index)/2) * 2;
		if (index < Math.floor(this._firstPage/2) * 2) index = Math.floor(this._firstPage/2) * 2;
		if (index > Math.floor(this._lastPage/2) * 2) index = Math.floor(this._lastPage/2) * 2;
		if (this._pretreating) {
			this._curPage		= index;
		} else if (rebuildPages) {
			for (var i in this._pages) this._removePage(this._pages[i]);
			var visiblePages	= this._visiblePages;
			var topDepth		= this._topPageDepth;
			for (var i = 0, j = index; i < visiblePages; i++, j-=2) this._createPage(j, topDepth - i*2);
			for (var i = 0, j = index+1; i < visiblePages; i++, j+=2) this._createPage(j, topDepth - i*2 - 1);
			this._curPage		= index;
		} else {
			this.stopFlip(null, true);
			var curPage			= this._curPage;
			this._curPage		= index;
			if (index == curPage) return true;
			var pages			= {};
			for (var i in this._pages) {
				var j			= i - curPage + index;
				pages[j]		= this._pages[i];
				pages[j].index	= j;
				pages[j]._name	= "Page" + j;
			this._pages			= pages;
		return true;

	//set the index range of the pages
	public.setPageRange = function (first, last) {
		first		= first != null && !isNaN(first) ? (this._firstPage = int(first)) : this._firstPage;
		last		= last != null && !isNaN(last) ? (this._lastPage = int(last)) : this._lastPage;
		if (last < first) {
			var t	= first;
			first	= this._firstPage = last;
			last	= this._lastPage = t;
		this.gotoPage(this._curPage, true);

	//the width of the page
	gsProperty("pageWidth", function () { return this._pageWidth },
		function (value) { this.resizePage(value) }

	//the height of the page
	gsProperty("pageHeight", function () { return this._pageHeight },
		function (value) { this.resizePage(null, value) }

	//the linkage id of the page content movie clip
	gsProperty("pageId", function () { return this._pageId },
		function (value) {
			if (typeof(value) != "string") value = "";
			if (this._pageId == value) return;
			this._pageId	= value;
			for (var i in this._pages) this._createPageMC(this._pages[i]);

	//if adjust even page's content position
	gsProperty("adjustEvenPage", function () { return this._adjustEvenPage },
		function (value) {
			var adjustEven		= this._adjustEvenPage = value ? true : false;
			var width			= this._pageWidth;
			for (var i in this._pages) {
				var page		= this._pages[i];	= !adjustEven ? width * -page.side : page.side<0 ? 0 : -width;
				if (page.rearPage != null) page.rearPage._x = !adjustEven ? : page.side<0 ? width : 0;

	//automatically go to the definite frame when the page movie clip is created
	gsProperty("autoPage", function () { return this._autoPage },
		function (value) {
			if (this._autoPage = value ? true : false) {
				for (var i in this._pages) {
					var page	= this._pages[i]; - this._firstPage + 1);
					page.rearPage.gotoAndStop(page.rearPage.index - this._firstPage + 1);

	//first page's index
	gsProperty("firstPage", function () { return this._firstPage },
		function (value) { this.setPageRange(value) }

	//last page's index
	gsProperty("lastPage", function () { return this._lastPage },
		function (value) { this.setPageRange(null, value) }

	//index of the current page
	gsProperty("curPage", function () { return this._curPage }, public.gotoPage);

	//max count of the visible pages on one side
	gsProperty("visiblePages", function () { return this._visiblePages },
		function (value) {
			var visiblePages	= this._visiblePages;
			this._visiblePages	= value = value > 1 ? int(value) : 1;
			if (this._pretreating || visiblePages == value) return;
			var flipped			= this._flipCount;
			if (visiblePages > value) {
				var index1		= this._curPage - value*2 + (flipped < 0 ? flipped*2 : 0);
				var index2		= this._curPage+1 + value*2 + (flipped > 0 ? flipped*2 : 0);
				for (var i = value; i < visiblePages; i++, index1 -= 2, index2 += 2) {
			} else {
				var index1		= this._curPage - visiblePages*2 + (flipped < 0 ? flipped*2 : 0);
				var index2		= this._curPage+1 + visiblePages*2 + (flipped > 0 ? flipped*2 : 0);
				for (var i = visiblePages; i < value; i++, index1 -= 2, index2 += 2) {
					this._createPage(index1, this._topPageDepth + (index1 - this._curPage));
					this._createPage(index2, this._topPageDepth - (index2 - this._curPage));
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