22/11/2007, 03:31
 | | | Fecha de Ingreso: noviembre-2006 Ubicación: Madrid (España)
Mensajes: 266
Antigüedad: 18 años, 3 meses Puntos: 0 | |
Re: mover fotogramas clave en la linea de tiempo
if (page.position == null) continue;
var ratio = page.shadeRatio;
mc._xscale = (ratio * setting.sizeMax + (1-ratio) * setting.sizeMin) / 100 * width * page.side;
mc._alpha = ratio * setting.alphaMax + (1-ratio) * setting.alphaMin;
//resize the page
public.resizePage = function (width, height) {
if (width != null && !isNaN(width)) this._pageWidth = Number(width);
if (height != null && !isNaN(height)) this._pageHeight = Number(height);
var width = this._pageWidth;
var height = this._pageHeight;
var adjustEven = this._adjustEvenPage;
for (var i in this._pages) {
if (this._flipPages[i] != null) continue;
var page = this._pages[i];
page.page._x = !adjustEven ? width * -page.side : page.side<0 ? 0 : -width;
if (page.rearPage != null) page.rearPage._x = !adjustEven ? page.page._x : page.side<0 ? width : 0;
this.handleEvent("onResizePage", page, width, height);
for (var i in this._flipPages) {
var page = this._pages[i];
page.page._x = !adjustEven ? width * -page.side : page.side<0 ? 0 : -width;
if (page.rearPage != null) page.rearPage._x = !adjustEven ? page.page._x : page.side<0 ? width : 0;
var pos = page.position;
if (pos.top < 0) {
page.page._y = -height;
page.rearPage._y = -height;
if (pos.trackMouse == null) {
pos.aimX = width * (pos.x < 0 ? -1 : 1);
pos.aimY = pos.top > 0 ? 0 : height;
this.handleEvent("onResizePage", page, width, height);
//set the sizes of the flip areas
public.setFlipSize = function (width, height, innerWidth, innerHeight) {
var flipSize = typeof(width) == "object" ? width
: {width:width, height:height, innerWidth:innerWidth, innerHeight:innerHeight};
for (var i in this._flipSize) {
if (flipSize[i] != null && !isNaN(flipSize[i])) this._flipSize[i] = Number(flipSize[i]);
for (var i in this._pages) this._adjustFlipSize(this._pages[i]);
//start to flip the page at the specified index by the certain corner
public.startFlip = function (index, corner, aimX, aimY) {
//validate page
index = int(index);
var pages = this._pages;
var page = pages[index];
if (page == null) return false;
var side = page.side;
if (side < 0 ? index <= this._firstPage : index >= this._lastPage) return false;
corner = {top:1, bottom:-1, topInner:2, bottomInner:-2}[corner];
if (corner == null) corner = 1;
//create new flipped page
var width = this._pageWidth;
var height = this._pageHeight;
var curPage = this._curPage;
var flipped = this._flipCount;
var topDepth = this._topPageDepth;
if (flipped != 0) {
//there's flipped pages
var s = flipped < 0 ? -1 : 1;
if (index < curPage + (s<0 ? flipped*2 : 0) || index > curPage+1 + (s<0 ? 0 : flipped*2)) return false;
var f = curPage + (s<0 ? 0 : 1);
var top = pages[f + s].position.top;
if (corner != top * (side == s ? 1 : 2)) return false;
if (index == f + flipped*2) {
//flip the outter corner page
if (!this._multiFlip) return false;
flipped = this._flipCount = flipped + s;
var n = (this._visiblePages + flipped * s - 1) * 2;
this._createPage(f + n * s, topDepth-n - (s<0 ? 0 : 1));
page = this._createPage(f-s + flipped*2, topDepth + flipped*s,
{x:width*s, y:top>0 ? 0 : height, top:top});
} else if (index == f - s) {
//flip the opposite page
if (!this._multiFlip) return false;
f = (this._curPage -= 2*s) + (s<0 ? 0 : 1);
flipped = this._flipCount = flipped + s;
var n = (this._visiblePages - 1) * 2;
var m = flipped * s * 2;
this._createPage(f, 0);
for (var i = n+m; i >= 0; i -= 2) pages[f + i*s].swapDepths(topDepth-i - (s<0 ? 0 : 1));
for (var i = m; i >= 2; i -= 2) pages[f + (i-1)*s].swapDepths(topDepth + i/2);
this._createPage(f - (1+n)*s, 0);
for (var i = 0; i <= n; i += 2) pages[f - (i+1)*s].swapDepths(topDepth-i - (s<0 ? 1 : 0));
page = pages[f + s];
page.position = {x:-width*s, y:top>0 ? 0 : height, top:top};
} else if (side == s) {
//flip the flipped page
page = pages[index + s];
} else {
//there's no flipped page
if (index < curPage || index > curPage+1) return false;
var f = curPage + (side<0 ? 0 : 1);
var n = this._visiblePages * 2;
if (Math.abs(corner) == 1) {
//flip at outter corner
flipped = this._flipCount = side;
this._createPage(f + n * side, topDepth - n - (side<0 ? 0 : 1));
page = this._createPage(f + side, topDepth + 1,
{x:width*side, y:corner > 0 ? 0 : height, top:corner});
} else {
//flip at inner corner
flipped = this._flipCount = -side;
for (var i = n; i >= 2; i -= 2) pages[f - (i-1)*side].swapDepths(topDepth-i - (side<0 ? 1 : 0));
f = (this._curPage += 2*side) + (side<0 ? 0 : 1);
this._createPage(f - side, topDepth + (side<0 ? -1 : 0));
page.swapDepths(topDepth + 1);
page.position = {x:width*side, y:corner > 0 ? 0 : height, top:corner/2};
this._createPage(f + (n - 2) * side, 0);
for (var i = 0; i <= n - 2; i += 2) pages[f + i*side].swapDepths(topDepth-i - (side<0 ? 0 : 1));
//set flipped page
var pos = page.position;
pos.trackMouse = aimX == null;
pos.aimX = aimX == null ? this._xmouse : Number(aimX);
pos.aimY = aimX == null ? this._ymouse : Number(aimY);
this._flipPages[page.index] = page;
this.handleEvent("onStartFlip", page);
return true;
//stop a flipped page, if index is null, all flipped page will be stoped, side can be 'left' or 'right'
public.stopFlip = function (index, finish, side) {
var flipped = this._flipCount;
if (flipped == 0) return false;
//stop all flipped pages
if (index == null) {
if (finish) {
while (this._flipCount != 0) {
for (var i in this._flipPages) this.stopFlip(i, true);
} else {
for (var i in this._flipPages) this.stopFlip(i);
return true;
//set the aim position
index = int(index);
index -= flipped < 0 ? (index%2 == 0 ? 1 : 0) : (index%2 == 0 ? 0 : -1);
var page = this._flipPages[index];
var pos = page.position;
if (pos == null) return false;
if (pos.trackMouse != null) {
pos.trackMouse = null;
side = {left:-1, right:1}[side];
pos.aimX = this._pageWidth * (side != null ? side : pos.x < 0 ? -1 : 1);
pos.aimY = pos.top > 0 ? 0 : this._pageHeight;
if (!finish) {
this.handleEvent("onStopFlip", page);
return true;
//finish flipping
var side = page.side;
var n = this._visiblePages * 2;
if (pos.aimX * side > 0 && index == this._curPage + (side > 0 ? -1 : 2)) {
//flip to the face side
var pages = this._pages;
var topDepth = this._topPageDepth;
var m = flipped * -side * 2;
this._removePage(pages[index + side]);
this._removePage(pages[index + n*side]);
for (var i = n-2; i >= 0; i -= 2) pages[index + i*side].swapDepths(topDepth-i - (side>0 ? 1 : 0));
for (var i = 2; i < n+m; i += 2) pages[index + (1-i)*side].swapDepths(topDepth-i + (side>0 ? 2 : 1));
for (var i = 2; i < m; i += 2) pages[index - i*side].swapDepths(topDepth + i/2);
this._curPage -= 2 * side;
this._flipCount += side;
delete this._flipPages[index];
page.position = null;
this.handleEvent("onFinishFlip", page);
} else if (pos.aimX * side < 0 && index == this._curPage + (side > 0 ? 1 : 0) + flipped*2) {
//flip to the corner side
this.handleEvent("onFinishFlip", page);
this._removePage(this._pages[index - (n - 1) * side]);
this._adjustPage(this._pages[index + side]);
} else {
return false;
return true;
__________________ -- Cuando sientas miedo y no tengas un hombro dónde apoyarte, no te hundas en la soledad, pues si lo haces fracasarás -- |