Código PHP:
else // Else show the form. If there are errors the strings will have updated during running the inputcheck.
$form = '<div class="contactform"><h2 align="center">Contact me</h2>
' . $wpcf_strings['error'] . '
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="' . get_permalink() . '" method="post">
<div class="contactleft"><label for="wpcf_your_name">' . __('Your Name (*): ', 'wpcf') . '</label></div>' . $wpcf_strings['name'] . '
<div class="contactleft"><label for="wpcf_email">' . __('Your Email (*):', 'wpcf') . '</label></div>' . $wpcf_strings['email'] . '
<div class="contactleft"><label for="wpcf_website">' . __('Your Website:', 'wpcf') . '</label></div><div class="contactright"><input class="textfield" type="text" name="wpcf_website" id="wpcf_website" size="30" maxlength="100" value="' . $_POST['wpcf_website'] . '" /></div>
<div class="contactleft nop"><label for="wpcf_msg">' . __('Your Message: ', 'wpcf') . '</label>' . $wpcf_strings['msg'] . '</div>
<div class="contactleft nop"><label for="wpcf_msg">' . __('Attach Photos: ', 'wpcf') . '<small>max ' . $attachment_max_size . ' kb</small></label><br/>
<input type="file" name="cattachment1" class="textfield file" /><br/>
<input type="file" name="cattachment2" class="textfield file" /><br/>
<input type="file" name="cattachment3" class="textfield file" /></div>
<div class="contactright"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Send" id="contactsubmit" /><input type="hidden" name="wpcf_stage" value="process" /></div>
<div style="clear:both; height:1px;"> </div>';
return str_replace('<!--contact form-->', $form, $content);
/*Can't use WP's function here, so lets use our own*/
function getip()
if (isset($_SERVER))
elseif (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]))
$ip_addr = $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"];
$ip_addr = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
if ( getenv( 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' ) )
$ip_addr = getenv( 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' );
elseif ( getenv( 'HTTP_CLIENT_IP' ) )
$ip_addr = getenv( 'HTTP_CLIENT_IP' );
$ip_addr = getenv( 'REMOTE_ADDR' );
return $ip_addr;
/*CSS Styling*/
function wpcf_css() {
function wpcf_add_options_page()
add_options_page('Contact Form Options', 'Contact Form', 'manage_options', 'wp-contact-form/options-contactform.php');
/* Action calls for all functions */
//if(get_option('wpcf_show_quicktag') == true) {add_action('admin_footer', 'wpcf_add_quicktag');}
add_action('admin_head', 'wpcf_add_options_page');
add_filter('wp_head', 'wpcf_css');
add_filter('the_content', 'wpcf_callback', 7);
Haber si alguien ve que es lo que esta fallando.
Gracias y salu2