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  #11549 (permalink)  
Antiguo 19/06/2007, 11:39
Fecha de Ingreso: junio-2006
Mensajes: 204
Antigüedad: 18 años, 3 meses
Puntos: 2
Re: Medieval II Total War

Iniciado por conde ramirez Ver Mensaje
una cosa e conseguido yegar asta donde me as dixo eugenioso.
Pero mi ingles es nulo y nose donde pone aparicion de la polvora me podrias exar una mano?¿
Deberias estar en esta pantalla, para asegurarme, la puse.-

; historical events and when they occur
; Events are followed by a category, and a label
; labels are used as lookups into historic_events.txt for title and body strings,
; and also as image names for the event picture
; Currently supported categories are:
; counter - just increase a counter
; historic - Just generates a message and increase a counter
; volcano - triggers a volcano if there is one on the map at the position specified
; plague - triggers a plague in settlements at the specified positions
; emergent_faction - triggers the emergence of the given faction. This faction must be marked
; as emergent in descr_strat.txt
; event descriptions are followed by a date (year as offset from starting date) or a date range
; and either a list of positions, or list of regions. Each position/region specification must appear on
; a seperate line below the date

;;;;;;;;;;;;; TEST CASES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

; ------------ CORE GAME EVENT --------------
;event historic mongols_invasion_warn
;date 2

;event earthquake earthquake_aleppo
;date 2
;position 257, 73

; ------------ CORE GAME EVENT --------------
;event historic gunpowder_discovered
;date 2 2

;event historic earthquake_silicia
;date 4
;position 232, 76

; ------------ CORE GAME EVENT --------------
;event plague black_death_hits
;date 266
;position 281, 163

; ------------ CORE GAME EVENT --------------
;event historic timurids_invasion_warn
;date 2

;event historic earthquake_in_alexandria
;date 2
;position 230, 38

;event historic earthquake_in_aleppo
;date 2
;position 257, 73

;;;;;;;;;;;;; EVENT LIST ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

event historic first_windmill
date 50

event historic earthquake_in_aleppo
date 58
position 257, 73

event historic science_alchemy_book
date 64

event historic first_european_paper
date 72

event historic first_magnetic_compass
date 102

event historic first_wheelbarrow
date 120

event historic science_maths_zero_europe
date 122

; ------------ CORE GAME EVENT --------------
event historic mongols_invasion_warn
date 128 144

event earthquake earthquake_in_silicia
date 188
position 232, 76

event historic first_mechanical_clock
date 200

; ------------ CORE GAME EVENT --------------
event historic gunpowder_discovered
date 2 2
movie event/gunpowder_invented.bik

event historic first_eyeglasses
date 206

event earthquake earthquake_in_alexandria
date 222
position 230, 38

event earthquake earthquake_in_alexandria_2
date 232
position 230, 38

event historic football_banned
date 234

event historic first_sawmill
date 248

event historic first_public_clock
date 254

event historic science_weather_forecast
date 256

; ------------ CORE GAME EVENT --------------
event plague black_death_hits
date 266
position 281, 163
position 258, 134
position 233, 117
position 278, 109
movie event/black_death.bik

event plague black_death_1
date 268
position 278, 101
position 258, 104
position 213, 92
position 216, 88
position 209, 73
position 230, 38
position 232, 76
position 150, 70
position 132, 76
position 131, 92
position 120, 99
position 133, 104
position 146, 108
position 136, 111
position 157, 82
position 168, 95
position 190, 85
position 191, 71
position 175, 87
position 194, 99
position 93, 95
position 77, 73
position 92, 83
position 97, 114
position 105, 104
position 121, 122
position 129, 119
position 160, 108
position 249, 44
position 246, 76
position 241, 65
position 232, 76
position 245, 85
position 251, 57
position 254, 51
position 214, 65
position 202, 57

event plague black_death_2
date 270
position 281, 79
position 259, 64
position 257, 73
position 136, 63
position 103, 66
position 71, 80
position 107, 155
position 201, 109
position 74, 104
position 55, 88
position 109, 147
position 78, 90
position 115, 143
position 120, 144
position 113, 131
position 163, 124
position 94, 157
position 132, 126
position 119, 133
position 148, 147
position 143, 120
position 138, 139
position 125, 131
position 104, 134
position 94, 130
position 102, 126
position 235, 32
position 291, 70
position 251, 73
position 265, 80
position 150, 40
position 90, 101

event plague black_death_3
date 272
position 205, 125
position 196, 114
position 99, 181
position 102, 74
position 90, 162
position 142, 187
position 106, 164
position 157, 136
position 172, 122
position 148, 147
position 141, 154
position 141, 166
position 174, 136
position 192, 140
position 163, 143
position 228, 2
position 268, 13

event plague black_death_4
date 274
position 235, 169
position 202, 179
position 181, 174
position 188, 186
position 167, 183
position 169, 151
position 217, 139
position 212, 162
position 189, 158
position 155, 155
position 244, 158

event historic first_blast_furnace
date 270

event historic grote_mandenke
date 282

; ------------ CORE GAME EVENT --------------
event historic timurids_invasion_warn
date 288 304

event historic first_piano
date 320

; ------------ CORE GAME EVENT --------------
event historic world_is_round
date 320 328

event historic first_oil_painting
date 340

event historic science_de_docta_ignorantia
date 364

; ------------ CORE GAME EVENT --------------
;TRUE TIME event historic world_is_round
;TRUE TIME date 366 374

event historic first_printing_press
date 374

event earthquake earthquake_in_naples
date 376
position 157, 82

event historic malleus_maleficarum
date 406

event historic science_da_vinci_ornithopter
date 412

event historic first_watch
date 430

; ------------ OLD EVENT EXAMPLES --------------
;event volcano eruption_at_vesuvius
;date 99
;position 103, 65

;event plague plague_in_asia_minor
;date 173
;position 192, 68
;position 200, 55
;position 190, 80

Tienes que cambiar esto a cero:

; ------------ CORE GAME EVENT --------------
;event historic gunpowder_discovered
;date 0 0

El 0 en ambos numeros lo pondra como nulificado, y de ahi ya no deberias tener unidades de polvora

WARNING! no se que pasaria si empiezas una campaña grabada en que ya tienes polvora, y no se de ningun otro efecto secundario. eso te lo dejo a ti para descubrir.