Iniciado por Juanle455
Lo dice mas arriba...
160 USD anuales por la licencia de uso...
Personalmente, prefiero SMF y phpBB, me toco ser una vez administrador de IPB, y no me gusto.
No son 160 S anuales!! Lo pone en su web, son
139 € para siempre:
vBulletin (Owned License)
The owned vBulletin Forum license allows you to run the software on your site indefinitely. Along with this license, you will receive one year of free updates. Beyond the first year, you will have to pay a nominal fee, currently $30, to obtain updates for an additional year.
This license includes free support via email and on the community forum. Phone Support is not included in the license price but may be purchased for an additional cost either at the time of initial purchase, or afterwards through the Members' Area.