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Antiguo 20/03/2007, 07:16
Avatar de Antígono Kargedonio
Antígono Kargedonio
Fecha de Ingreso: noviembre-2006
Ubicación: Madrid
Mensajes: 356
Antigüedad: 18 años, 1 mes
Puntos: 8
Re: Tips de Estrategia - Rome Total War

Iniciado por Sir_Yo Ver Mensaje

E hecho muchos cambios en el Roma como la mayoría de los que controlan el juego, e cambiado los parametros, cambiado las ciudades iniciales y esas cosas, pero hay dos cosas que no se cambiar, 1-La foto de las unidades tanto en la barra inferior como la ampliada donde se muestran los datos de la unidad, por ejemplo cambie la forma del hoplita espartano cuando juegas con él pero en la foto se sige viendo al tipo con capa roja, sin armadura y demas. Alguno sabe como se cambia la foto. 2- la segunda es el mapa, la ampliacion y el numero de ciudades.

Pues a mi me pasa lo mismo , sé cambiar las facciones de cultura, por ejemplo comvertir los armenios en griegos corintios, sé cambiar las unidades añadiedos hoplitas corintios de otros mods, pero no sé modificar el mapa, ojo , si cambiar el nombre de ciudades, pero no crear una nueva ni tampoco cambiar el indicador de la unidad en el escritorio del juego ni en la ficha de descripción, me sale ese villano estandar con túnica y espada de color gris.
Con respecto a como hacer esto, bueno soy nuevo y no me dejan poner enlaces a otros sitios así que lo siento

si halguien sabe algo de esta dudas, porfaplis que las aclare
Hola y bienvenido.
Verás lo mejor es que busques algún manual en el "total war center", lo malo es que son en inglés. Aqui te dejo el link donde buscar manuales:

Yo me bajé hace mucho uno, pero lo he buscado y ahora no lo encuentro. Si se te da bien el inglés aqui te copio lo que pone sobre añadir enclaves:

Por cierto necesitarás un programa como el photoshop. Suerte:

- This Replay is old Look down verbis Province tutorial!
Quote from Gaius Jullius :
Old Tutorial -making new provinces

"The list of files to be altered and their paths are as follows (make a back up of these):- Data/World/Maps/Base/map_regions.tga
- Data/world/maps/base/descr_regions.txt
- Data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign (or your created provincial
- Data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign (or your created provincial
- Data/world/maps/campaign/imperial_campaign (or your created provincial
-Data/text/imperial_campaign_regions_and_settlement_names.txt (if adding to a
provincial campaign, create a copy of this file, and replace 'imperial_campaign' with
whatever is at the top of your descr_strat.txt file across from the campaign title).
Step 1) Delete the maps.rwm file and the map_heights.hgt file in your
Data/world/maps/base folder.
Step 2) Open the map_regions.tga file in whatever photo editing program you use.
Examples are Adobe Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro. On this image, each province in the
game is coloured differently from the other. Zoom in, and with the pencil tool, re-colour a
portion of the world map, wherever you want your new province to be, with a new
colour. Make sure you keep the current land form intact (don't put a province on the
water, in other words). Put a black dot wherever you want the settlement to be, and a
white dot wherever you want the port to be. Make sure the port is alongside the water,
and make sure, for land locked provinces, that there is NO port.
Step 3) On the colour panel of whatever photo editing tool you're using, note the RGB
values of the colour. In Adobe Photoshop, there should be three little sliders, and to the
right of them, three boxes with seperate numbers. These allow the game to figure out
where the new province is on the world map.
Step 4) Open descr_regions.txt. Copy one of the current entries (such as the top
New Province Tutorial
Britannia_Inferior one) and paste it at the very bottom. Change the top name (Britannia_Inferior) to the name of the province that you want. Change the name below that (the city name) to whatever you want the settlement to be named in this province. Three lines below that you should see three groups of numbers (232 41 198 for Britannia_Inferior). These are those RGB values you noted earlier. Put in the ones for your province.
Step 5)Go to your descr_strat.txt file. Copy a settlement that already exists, and paste it in the list of settlements for the faction that you want to own it. So, under the Romans_Julii faction, you would copy this:
"settlement { level large_town
region Etruria
year_founded 0
population 4000
settlement_tax 51
plan_set default_set
faction_creator romans_julii
building { type barracks militia_barracks } building { type core_building governors_villa } building { type port_buildings port } building { type defenses wooden_pallisade } building { type hinterland_farms farms } building { type hinterland_roads roads } }"
Then, paste that under the settlement list for whatever faction you wanted your new province to belong to. Edit the region name to be your new provinces name. Edit in or out any buildings you want this settlement to have, and slo the population you want it to start with. Make sure that's all in the correct format. Compare it to other settlements to make sure it's all in correctly and not missing anything.
Step 6) Open descr_mercenaries.txt. Put the name of your new province next to the name of the other provinces you want the listed mercenaries recruitable in. For instance: "pool Cisapline_Gaul regions Cisalpine_Gaul Venetia Noricum Raetia NEW_PROVINCE_HERE unit merc barbarian cavalry, exp 0 cost 800 replenish 0.06 - 0.15 max 1 initial 0 unit merc barbarian infantry, exp 0 cost 800 replenish 0.05 - 0.25 max 4 initial 0" Step 7) Open descr_regions_and_settlement_name_lookup.txt. At the very bottom of this list, put the name of your province, and below that, the name of your settlement.
Step 8 ) Finally, open the name_of_your_campain_regions_and_settlement_names_ lookup.txt in the Data/text folder. Copy one of the extisting names (such as {Hibernia} Hibernia) and paste this at the VERY bottom of the file. Adjust the both names (the one instead the curly brackets, and the oens without) to the name of your province. Then, paste it again below that, and this time rename them to the name of your added settlement. You should now have an added province in your game. Load it up and see. If it doesn't work, make sure there are no spelling mistakes. If it still doesn't, restore all the fiels and try again, but with a province somewheres else. Also the game generates a new map.rwm every time the campaign is started. As far as anyone else knows, the map_heights.hgt doesn't do anything." Here is the pic of the Callattian Hoplite in 2D .jpg. If you insert all that is submitted up in your RTW files you will have it to. Also inserting it and folowing my steps will be a good lesson for you all newbies.