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Antiguo 22/02/2007, 05:35
Usuario no validado
Fecha de Ingreso: junio-2006
Ubicación: Madrid - España
Mensajes: 179
Antigüedad: 18 años, 9 meses
Puntos: 6
No paso la validación. ¿Qué está mal en este código?

Buenos días. Estoy pasando una validación W3C XHTML y me da errores. Casi todo viene de un módulo PHP que tengo para que me muestro los juegos de forma aleatoria en la página de inicio. El código PHP de ese módulo es:

* @version 1.0 $
* @package SMFArcadeRandom
* @copyright (C) 2005 Melissa Padilla
* This module assumes Simple Machines Forum (SMF) is installed, functioning and running wrapped in mambo with
* the mos-smf bridge. This module also assumes that smf_arcade is installed in SMF and functioning already.

defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );

global $database, $smf_prefix, $mosConfig_absolute_path, $boardurl;

//require($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/administrator/components/com_smf/config.smf.php");

// Retrieve module parameters or set defaults if module parameters empty
$count = intval( $params->get( 'count', 5 ) );
$noscore = $params->get( 'noscore', 'No Scores Yet');
$topscore = $params->get( 'topscore', 'Top Scores');
$gamefolder = $params->get( 'gamefolder', 'Games');
$show_thumb = $params->get('show_thumb', 'yes');
$show_game_name = $params->get('show_game_name', 'yes');
$show_scores = $params->get('show_scores', 'yes');
$ext = array('gif','GIF','png','PNG','jpg','JPG',); // Extensions to look for
$game_id = intval( $params->get( 'game_id', 55) );
// Load a random game
$query = "SELECT DISTINCT id , game, name, thumb FROM smf_games order by RAND() LIMIT 1";
$database ->setQuery("SELECT DISTINCT id , game, name FROM smf_games ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");
$results = $database->loadObjectList();

//if ($result = $database->query()) {
// $row = mysql_fetch_object($result);
// $smfItemid = $row->id;
//else {
// echo "Error fetching smfItemid: ".mysql_errno()." ".mysql_error();
// return false;
foreach($results as $row){
// Build table with game thumbnail, title and link to arcade for playing
echo "<table border=\"0\" align=\"center\">";

if (strcasecmp($show_thumb, "yes") == 0){
// Set thumbnail of the random game selected above
$thumb = $boardurl. "/" .$gamefolder."/".$row->game.".gif";
echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=" . $game_id . "&action=arcade;sa=play;game=" . $row->id . "\"><img src=\"$thumb\" border=\"0\"/></a></td></tr>";

if (strcasecmp($show_game_name, "yes") == 0){
// Set game name as link
echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=". $game_id . "&action=arcade;sa=play;game=" . $row->id . "\">$row->name</a><br></td></tr>";

if (strcasecmp($show_scores, "yes") == 0){
// Retrieve highscores for the random game selected above based on 'count' module parameter
$query2 = "Select game, member, score, smf_members.ID_MEMBER, smf_members.realName from smf_games_high, smf_members WHERE game = '$row->game' AND smf_members.ID_MEMBER = smf_games_high.member ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT {$count}";
$database->setQuery("Select game, member, score, smf_members.ID_MEMBER, smf_members.realName from smf_games_high, smf_members WHERE game = '$row->game' AND smf_members.ID_MEMBER = smf_games_high.member ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT {$count}");
$HSrows = $database->loadObjectList();

//Build last 'count' highscore rows or set to 'noscore' if no scores yet
if (!isset($HSrow->realName)){
echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">" . $noscore . "</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">" . $count . " " . $topscore . "</td></tr>";
foreach($HSrows as $HSrow){
echo "<tr ><td width='60%' class='sectiontableentry2'>" . $HSrow->realName . "</td><td width='40%' align='right' class='sectiontableentry2'>" . (float)$HSrow->score . "</td></tr>";


echo "</table>";


Se que hay cosas que están mal, pero he hecho pruebas y no consigo averiguar cual es.

La parte en rojo, es la que creo, la que produce los fallos.

Si alguien puede /sabe ayudarme le estaré agradecido. Mi sitio es malastic . com.

Un saludo,