gracias por la respuesta.... y que opinas sobre en ves de estructurar los directorios por capas de la aplicacion hacerlo por funcionalidad??? por que en este caso si quiero reutilizar algo tendria que copiarme el controlador, el modelo, la vista de cada directorio, que tal si me se lo agrupa mejor por "entidades" o "funcionalidad" digamos Usuarios, Empleados, Autenticacion o cosas asi??
Como separarias las siguientes clases?
Código PHP:
Model-View-Controller implementation according to POSA
(Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture
class HelloWorldController
private $model;
function __construct($model)
$this->model = $model;
function handleEvent($args)
class HelloWorldModel
private $text;
private $observers = array();
private $strategy;
function attach($observer)
$this->observers[] = $observer;
function getData()
$facade = new HelloWorldFacade($this->strategy);
return $facade->getHelloWorld().$this->text."\n";
function addText($text='')
$this->text = $text;
function setStrategy($strategy)
$this->strategy = $strategy;
function notify()
foreach ($this->observers as $observer)
class HelloWorldView
private $model;
function initialize($model)
$this->model = $model;
return $this->makeController();
function makeController()
return new HelloWorldController($this->model);
function update()
function display()
echo $this->model->getData();
"Business logic"
class HelloWorld
function execute() {
return "Hello world";
class HelloWorldDecorator
private $helloworld;
function __construct($helloworld)
$this->helloworld = $helloworld;
function execute()
return $this->helloworld->execute();
abstract class HelloWorldEmphasisStrategy
abstract function emphasize($string);
class HelloWorldBangEmphasisStrategy extends HelloWorldEmphasisStrategy
function emphasize($string)
return $string."!";
class HelloWorldRepetitionEmphasisStrategy extends HelloWorldEmphasisStrategy
function emphasize($string)
return $string." and ".$string." again";
class HelloWorldEmphasizer extends HelloWorldDecorator
private $strategy;
function HelloWorldEmphasizer($helloworld,$strategy)
$this->strategy = $strategy;
function execute()
$string = parent::execute();
return $this->strategy->emphasize($string);
class HelloWorldStrategyFactory
static function make($type)
if ($type == 'repetition')
return self::makeRepetitionStrategy();
return self::makeBangStrategy();
static function makeBangStrategy()
return new HelloWorldBangEmphasisStrategy;
static function makeRepetitionStrategy()
return new HelloWorldRepetitionEmphasisStrategy;
class HelloWorldFormatter extends HelloWorldDecorator
function execute()
$string = parent::execute();
return $string."\n";
class HelloWorldFacade
private $strategy;
function __construct($strategyType)
$this->strategy = HelloWorldStrategyFactory::make
function getHelloWorld()
$formatter = new HelloWorldFormatter(
new HelloWorldEmphasizer(
new HelloWorld,$this->strategy));
return $formatter->execute();
$model = new HelloWorldModel;
$view = new HelloWorldView;
$controller = $view->initialize($model);