Hola he agregado unas lineas al procedimiento antes de ejecutar el comando, porque esta incompleto, pero sigo teniendo el mismo problema.
Lineas agregadas justo antes de ejecutar el comando:
Dim Cols As String() = {"@matricula","@barrio","@mza","@lot","@calle","@n ro","@pis","@dpt","@obs","@id_est","@id_inq"}
Dim NumCols As Integer = E.Item.Cells.Count
Dim I As Integer
For I=2 To NumCols-2 'skip first, second and last column
Dim CurrentTextBox As TextBox
CurrentTextBox = E.Item.Cells(I).Controls(0)
Dim ColValue As String = CurrentTextBox.Text
MyCommand.Parameters(Cols(I-1)).Value = ColValue