Iniciado por Koveart
Tienes que escribir Yes, tal y como lo dice ahí Yes no YES.
jajaja, ahora si, esto me devuelve:
fsck.reiserfs /dev/sda5
reiserfsck 3.6.19 (2003
** If you are using the latest reiserfsprogs and it fails **
** please email bug reports to [email protected], **
** providing as much information as possible -- your **
** hardware, kernel, patches, settings, all reiserfsck **
** messages (including version), the reiserfsck logfile, **
** check the syslog file for any related information. **
** If you would like advice on using this program, support **
** is available for $25 at **
Will read-only check consistency of the filesystem on /dev/sda5
Will put log info to 'stdout'
Do you want to run this program?[N/Yes] (note need to type Yes if you do):Yes
reiserfsck --check started at Wed Jan 10 00:15:18 2007
Replaying journal..
Reiserfs journal '/dev/sda5' in blocks [18..8211]: 0 transactions replayed
Checking internal tree..finished
Comparing bitmaps..finished
Checking Semantic tree:
No corruptions found
There are on the filesystem:
Leaves 15715
Internal nodes 107
Directories 25257
Other files 293015
Data block pointers 4136669 (588435 of them are zero)
Safe links 0
reiserfsck finished at Wed Jan 10 00:17:24 2007
que quiere decir con respecto al problema de qtparted?
Al parecer no encontro corrupciones...
Que hago?
Gracias. Saludos.