Hola Ruchu :)
Cita: Description
Specifies an external file that contains the source code.
A script can contain an external reference as well as code within the block. The code specified by src precedes the code contained within the document.
This property has read-only permission , meaning you can retrieve its current value, but not change it.
Applies To
Esta propiedad tiene sólo permiso de lectura

, no podrás modificarla...
De todos modos, tal vez no esté todo perdido... :)
Me preguntaba... ¿para que querrá modificar este valor? Tal vez sea porque cargar todos al inicio le hará muy lento el site... entonces que use DEFER !!
Indicates the script block contains only functions and no in-line script. Deferring the parsing of scripts until they are needed can improve performance by decreasing the time it takes to load a document.
<script defer id="miScript" src="www.elsitio.com....."></script>
Suerte ;)
<table><tr><td><IMG src=banderas/argentina.gif></td><td><small>
Alta en el cielo, un águila guerrera<br>audaz se eleva, en vuelo triunfal.<br>Azul un ala, del color del cielo.<br>Azul un ala, del color del mar.</small></td></tr></table>