Ver Mensaje Individual
  #1 (permalink)  
Antiguo 21/11/2006, 17:47
Fecha de Ingreso: noviembre-2006
Mensajes: 98
Antigüedad: 18 años, 3 meses
Puntos: 0
Exclamación ayuda con codigo php

hola ten go un problema tengo este codigo de la parte de un chat y me sale unsses $end y no se porque por que me marca la ultima linea y ahi solo esta </html>

este es mi codigo:

header("Expires: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")."GMT");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
/* Users management for develooping flash chat. */
/* version 1.6.5 Created by Juan Carlos PosŽ */
/* corrected bug deleting users */
/* [email protected] */
require ('required/config.php');
$chat_file_ok = "required/msg.txt";//message file

$users_file = "required/users.txt";//The file where you save users and passwords.

/* check the user */
/* --------------- */
$text_string = join ('', file ($users_file));
$valid_user = "valid";
if (ereg("$person\n kicked\n", $text_string)){
$valid_user = "kicked";
if (ereg("$person\n banned\n", $text_string)){
$valid_user = "banned";

if ($bye!="bye"){
$person = trim(str_replace("\r\n", "", $person));
echo "action=";
echo $action;
echo "&password=";
echo $password;
echo "&person=";

if ($action =="delete"){

//delete user and password

$text_string = join ('', file ($users_file));
$new_list= ereg_replace ("$person\n $password\n", "", $text_string);
$fusers = fopen($users_file, "w");
$fwusers = fwrite($fusers, $new_list);

if((strval(trim($new_list))=="") and ($delete_empty_room=="yes")){//if not users delete messages
$fuchat = fopen($chat_file_ok, "w");
$fwuchat = fwrite($fuchat, $blanktext);


if ($action =="add"){
$number_to_add = 1;
$number_to_rest = 1;
$save_person_temp = $person;

//kick inactive users and delete kicked and banned users

$actual_hour= date ("H");
$actual_minute= date ("i");
$actual_timing= (3600*$actual_hour)+(60*$actual_minute)+$correct_t ime;

$lines = file($users_file);
$a = count($lines);

for($i = $a; $i >= 0 ;$i=$i-2){
$each_user = strval($lines[$i]);//each connected user
$each_user = str_replace ("\n","", $each_user);
$each_password = strval($lines[$i+1]);
$each_password = str_replace ("\n","", $each_password);
$each_password = trim($each_password);
if (($each_password=="kicked") or($each_password=="banned")){
$text_string = join ('', file ($users_file));
$new_list= ereg_replace ("$each_user\n $each_password\n", "", $text_string);//delete kicked users
$fusers1 = fopen($users_file, "w");
$fwusers1 = fwrite($fusers1, $new_list);
if((strval(trim($new_list))=="") and ($delete_empty_room=="yes")){//if not users delete messages
$fuchat1 = fopen($chat_file_ok, "w");
$fwuchat1 = fwrite($fuchat1, $blanktext);

$message_lines = file($chat_file_ok);
$message_count = count($message_lines);

for($j = $message_count; $j >= 0 ;$j--){
$eachmessage= strval($message_lines[$j]);

if (ereg ("\((.*):(.*):..\) $each_user : ", $eachmessage, $thetime)){// the last message this user wrote
$last_timing= (3600*$last_hour)+(60*$last_minute);
$j=0;// finish the loop for this user
//if the last message is more than x minutes old, delete user
if ((($actual_timing - $last_timing) > ($minutes_to_delete*60)) or ($last_timing > $actual_timing and $last_timing < (86400-($minutes_to_delete*60)) and $actual_timing > ($minutes_to_delete*60))){
$text_string = join ('', file ($users_file));
$new_list= ereg_replace ("$each_user\n $each_password\n", "", $text_string);//delete inactive user
$fusers2 = fopen($users_file, "w");
$fwusers2 = fwrite($fusers2, $new_list);
if((strval(trim($new_list))=="") and ($delete_empty_room=="yes")){//if not users delete messages
$fuchat2 = fopen($chat_file_ok, "w");
$fwuchat2 = fwrite($fuchat2, $blanktext);

//correct existing name adding a number

$text_string = join ('', file ($users_file));

while (ereg ("$person(\n)?", $text_string)){//repeat while name is taken
$last_character = substr($person, -$number_to_rest);//look for the last characters in the name
$test_last_character = $last_character;

if (strval($test_last_character) == $last_character) {// last character is a number;
$save_person_temp = substr($person, 0, strlen($person)-$number_to_rest);

$person = $save_person_temp.$number_to_add;// replace last character;
$number_to_rest = strlen($number_to_add);

//write entering message

$text_to_write = date ("(H:i:s)",time()+$correct_time)." ".$person." : ".$enter_string."\n";//compound single message
$fuchat3 = fopen($chat_file_ok, "a");
$fwuchat3 = fwrite($fuchat3, "$text_to_write");// message is appended to the msg.txt file

//add user and password

$fusers3 = fopen($users_file, "a");
$fwusers3 = fwrite($fusers3, "$person\n $password\n");

echo $person;
echo "&usuarios=";

$lines = file($users_file);
$a = count($lines);
/* render user list */
/* ------------------- */
//for($i = $a; $i >= 0 ;$i=$i-2){
//no invert with this line, comment this and uncomment the previous one to invert
for($i = 0; $i<$a+1 ;$i=$i+2){
$estate_to_see= trim(strval($lines[$i+1]));
if(($estate_to_see!="kicked") and ($estate_to_see!="banned")){
//create link for private message
echo "<a href='private_message.php?person=".$person."%26pas sword=".trim(strval($password))."%26dest=".trim(st rval($lines[$i]))."' target='private_messages'>".$lines[$i]."</a>";}


//write exit user message
// if it's not written yet???

$chatlines = file($chat_file_ok);
$acount = count($chatlines);
$the_line_value= trim(strval($chatlines[$acount-1]));
$trimmed_bye = substr ($bye_user, 1, -1);
if(!ereg("\(..:..:..\) $person : .$trimmed_bye.", $the_line_value)){
$text_to_write = date ("(H:i:s)",time()+$correct_time)." ".$person." : ".$bye_user."\n";//compound single message
$fuchat4 = fopen($chat_file_ok, "a");
$fwuchat4 = fwrite($fuchat4, "$text_to_write");// message is appended to the msg.txt file


//delete user and password

$text_string = join ('', file ($users_file));
$new_list= ereg_replace ("$person\n $password\n", "", $text_string);
$fusers4 = fopen($users_file, "w");
$fwusers4 = fwrite($fusers4, $new_list);

if((strval(trim($new_list))=="") and ($delete_empty_room=="yes")){//if not users delete messages
$fuchat5 = fopen($chat_file_ok, "w");
$fwuchat5 = fwrite($fuchat5, $blanktext);

// window for dimissed user

if($valid_user == "kicked"){

if($valid_user == "banned"){
<html><head><title><?php echo htmlentities($bye_string)." ".$person;?>
</title></head><body bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
<script language="JavaScript">
// Set the following variable to the number of seconds the browser
// will wait before closing the window.
var gWindowCloseWait = 3;

function SetupWindowClose()
window.setTimeout("window.close()",gWindowCloseWai t*1000);

// Body onload utility (supports multiple onload functions)
var gSafeOnload = new Array();
function SafeAddOnload(f)
isMac = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac")!=-1) ? true : false;
IEmac = ((document.all)&&(isMac)) ? true : false;
IE4 = ((document.all)&&(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MS IE 4.")!=-1)) ? true : false;
if (IEmac && IE4) // IE 4.5 blows out on testing window.onload
window.onload = SafeOnload;
gSafeOnload[gSafeOnload.length] = f;
else if (window.onload)
if (window.onload != SafeOnload)
gSafeOnload[0] = window.onload;
window.onload = SafeOnload;
gSafeOnload[gSafeOnload.length] = f;
window.onload = f;
function SafeOnload()
for (var i=0;i<gSafeOnload.length;i++)

// Call the following with your function as the argument

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="100%">
<tr><td align="center" valign="middle">
<center><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="1"><? echo htmlentities($bye_string)." ".$person;?></font></center>