Pues el codigo del archivo theme.php es este.
Código PHP:
// --------------------------
// Simple PHP Blog Theme File
// --------------------------
// Name: Default/Classic Theme
// Author: Alexander Palmo
// Version: 0.4.8
// Description:
// This the is default theme for Simple PHP Blog. You can use
// this as a template for your own themes.
// All graphic will be relative to the base-url (i.e. the folder
// where index.php is located.)
// ---------------
// Theme Variables
// ---------------
function theme_init () {
global $theme_vars;
$theme_vars = array();
// Optional:
// "content_width" and "menu_width" area used internally
// within the theme only. (optional but recommended.)
$theme_vars[ 'content_width' ] = 550;
$theme_vars[ 'menu_width' ] = 200;
// Required:
// "popup_window" "width" and "height" are used to determine
// the size of window to open for the comment view.
$theme_vars[ 'popup_window' ][ 'width' ] = $theme_vars[ 'content_width' ] + 50;
$theme_vars[ 'popup_window' ][ 'height' ] = 600;
// Optional:
// "popup_window" "content_width" is only used internally.
$theme_vars[ 'popup_window' ][ 'content_width' ] = $theme_vars[ 'content_width' ];
// Required:
// Determines the maximum with of images within a page.
// Make sure this value is less then "content_width" or you
// might have wrapping problems.
$theme_vars[ 'max_image_width' ] = $theme_vars[ 'content_width' ] - 38;
// ------------
// ------------
// New 0.3.8
$theme_vars[ 'menu_align' ] = 'right'; // Valid values are 'left' or 'right'
// Function:
// theme_blogentry( $entry_array )
// Theme for Blog Entries
// ----------------------
// All data is stored the $entry_array associative array and
// passed to the function. Keep in mind that multiple languages
// are used. So, try not to hard-code 'english' strings. If
// you are creating graphics for buttons, try to use icons
// instead of words.
// (Please note, the "\n" at the end of the echo() command adds
// a return charater in the HTML source. This is standard PHP
// behavior. Note the '\n' will not work for this. It has to be
// surrounded by double-quotes.)
// The array could contains the following keys:
// $entry_array[ 'subject' ] = String: Subject line
// $entry_array[ 'date' ] = String: Date posted in the appropriate language and format.
// $entry_array[ 'entry' ] = String: The body of the blog entry
// $entry_array[ 'logged_in' ] = Boolean: True if user is logged in (used to determine whether to show 'edit' and 'delete' buttons)
// $entry_array[ 'edit' ][ 'url' ] = String: URL
// $entry_array[ 'edit' ][ 'name' ] = String: The word 'edit' in the appropriate language.
// $entry_array[ 'delete' ][ 'url' ] = String: URL
// $entry_array[ 'delete' ][ 'name' ] = String: The word 'delete' in the appropriate language.
// $entry_array[ 'comment' ][ 'url' ] = String: URL
// $entry_array[ 'comment' ][ 'name' ] = String: This will be 'add comment', '1 comment', or '2 comments' in the appropriate language.
// $entry_array[ 'comment' ][ 'count' ] = String: The number of 'views' in the appropriate language.
// $entry_array[ 'count' ] = Integer: Index of current entry (i.e. use this if you want to add a line after every entry except the last one...)
// $entry_array[ 'maxcount' ] = Integer: Total number of entries
function theme_blogentry ( $entry_array, $mode='entry' ) { // New 0.4.8
global $blog_config, $user_colors;
$blog_content = "\n";
if ( $blog_config[ 'blog_trackback_enabled' ] ) {
$blog_content = $blog_content . '<!--' . "\n";
$blog_content = $blog_content . '<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"' . "\n";
$blog_content = $blog_content . ' xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"' . "\n";
$blog_content = $blog_content . ' xmlns:trackback="http://madskills.com/public/xml/rss/module/trackback/">' . "\n";
$blog_content = $blog_content . '<rdf:Description' . "\n";
$blog_content = $blog_content . ' rdf:about="' . $entry_array[ 'permalink' ][ 'url' ] . '"' . "\n";
$blog_content = $blog_content . ' dc:identifier="' . $entry_array[ 'permalink' ][ 'url' ] . '"' . "\n";
$blog_content = $blog_content . ' dc:title="' . $entry_array[ 'subject' ] . '"' . "\n";
$blog_content = $blog_content . ' trackback:ping="' . $entry_array[ 'trackback' ][ 'ping_url' ] . '" />' . "\n";
$blog_content = $blog_content . '</rdf:RDF>' . "\n";
$blog_content = $blog_content . '-->' . "\n";
$blog_content = $blog_content . '<div class="blog_subject">' . $entry_array[ 'subject' ] . '<a name="' . $entry_array[ 'id' ] . '"> </a></div>' . "\n";
if ( $mode != 'static' ) { // New 0.4.8
$blog_content = $blog_content . "<div class=\"blog_byline\">" . $entry_array[ 'date' ];
if ( array_key_exists( "categories", $entry_array ) ) {
$blog_content = $blog_content . " - ";
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $entry_array[ 'categories' ] ); $i++ ) {
$blog_content .= '<a href="index.php?category=' . $entry_array[ 'categories_id' ][$i] . '">' . $entry_array[ 'categories' ][$i] . '</a>';
if ( $i < count( $entry_array[ 'categories' ] ) - 1 ) {
$blog_content .= ', ';
// New 0.4.8
if ( isset( $entry_array[ 'logged_in' ] ) && $entry_array[ 'logged_in' ] == true ) {
if ( array_key_exists( 'ip-address', $entry_array ) && $mode == 'comment' ) {
$blog_content = $blog_content . ' <span class="blog_ip_address">< ' . $entry_array[ 'ip-address' ] . ' ></span>' . "\n";
$blog_content = $blog_content . "</div>\n\t\t";
if ( isset( $entry_array[ 'logged_in' ] ) && $entry_array[ 'logged_in' ] == true ) {
if ( isset( $entry_array[ 'edit' ][ 'url' ] ) ) {
$blog_content = $blog_content . '<a href="' . $entry_array[ 'edit' ][ 'url' ] . '">[ ' . $entry_array[ 'edit' ][ 'name' ] . ' ]</a>' . "\n";
if ( isset( $entry_array[ 'delete' ][ 'url' ] ) ) {
$blog_content = $blog_content . '<a href="' . $entry_array[ 'delete' ][ 'url' ] . '">[ ' . $entry_array[ 'delete' ][ 'name' ] . ' ]</a>' . "\n";
if ( isset( $entry_array[ 'ban' ][ 'url' ] ) ) {
$blog_content = $blog_content . '<a href="' . $entry_array[ 'ban' ][ 'url' ] . '">[ ' . $entry_array[ 'ban' ][ 'name' ] . ' ]</a><br /><br />' . "\n";
Sigue en el otro Post
Gracias luego pruevo lo que me comentas.