Hola freegirl

Pues es q pensaba q era al seleccionar otra opción de menú pero realmente lo q pasa es q no se volvía a repetir como debería.
Lo acabo de solucionar gracias a una pequeña ayudita jeje
por si le sirve a alguien lo pego a continuación
Saludos y pasa un buen finde!
Private myDBThread As System.Threading.Thread
'First Sub to Call
Public Sub initThread()
myDBThread = New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf Me.myWork)
End Sub
'Thread Job
Public Sub myWork()
If myDBThread.ThreadState = Threading.ThreadState.Running Then
'I think that this sub is dedicated to sync data to you DB
'the thread don't run ?
End If
End Sub
Function actualizThreadState()
If myDBThread.ThreadState = Threading.ThreadState.Stopped Then
'what to do when stop
' for example an alert, or restart the thread ..
ElseIf myDBThread.ThreadState = Threading.ThreadState.Unstarted Then
'before it's started
myDBThread.IsBackground = True
End If
End Function
'Sub when the stop button is clicked
Private Sub ButtonSTOP_Click()
If myDBThread.ThreadState = Threading.ThreadState.Running Then
End If
End Sub