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  #2814 (permalink)  
Antiguo 03/10/2006, 04:40
Avatar de rankira
Fecha de Ingreso: enero-2006
Mensajes: 690
Antigüedad: 19 años
Puntos: 3
carta oficial para CA

Hola camaradas, gracias al gran trabajo de Mithrandir ya tenemos la carta oficial para expresar nuestro desacuerdo con el tratamiento historico en el nuevo MII, y enviarla a CA:

Dear CA, I'm member of a virtual community called Foros Del Web ( where an interesting community of Total War players has been gathered. [1]

This letter is to show our complains for the treatment of the history facts you have made in your new release: Medieval Total War II. We know the playability and good looking graphics are fundamental, but, to follow history as near as it really was is a very important matter for most of the TW series players. Even, some of our partners started playing your previous game (RTW) because they are history lovers (altough, we know the historical RTW limitations too).

The creation of a single spanish faction and to not include the christian kindoms in the peninsula is a terrible mistake. Spain didn't existed as a single faction until the fusion of all kingdoms by the catholic kings, and the end of re-conquest of the peninsula from the Moors in 1484-1492. [2]

Also, Portugal was always a kingdom totally independant of Navarra, we can't find any reason in why they should be a single faction. [3]

Due this particular issues we're a bit disappointed of you. As spanishs we have a big cultural conscience and a rich history.

We ask you to please, follow the historical sources as much as you can. We know game balance can promote many of this changes, but, we could by example suggest Portugal to have very rich ports to allow be maintained as a single faction without been ahistorically fusionated with Navarra.

Please take this not as a complain of a screaming skinheads crew, but as an opportunity to offer to the fans a better product each release.


These are two examples:

Este texto deberiamos enviarlo a la siguiente direccion de CA:
[email protected]

Os animo en participar en esta iniciativa, y que una vez hecho , si os parece bien postead un mensaje para tener mas o menos una estadistica de la cantidad de mails que hemos enviado, yo por mi parte ya he enviado el mio.
"Los hombres ofenden antes al que aman que al que temen."

Última edición por rankira; 03/10/2006 a las 15:28