10/08/2006, 06:59
| | Fecha de Ingreso: agosto-2006
Mensajes: 11
Antigüedad: 18 años, 7 meses Puntos: 0 | |
bueno no se si lo paso de largo o los intentos que hago los hago mal... pego el config.cfg a ver si alguno me ayuda jeje
/* Start To Configure WebChat Module /*
/* Server For IRC */
$server = "irc . freenode . net";
$serverpass = "";
$port = "6667";
/* Alternate servers list
Example: "irc.newnet.net 6667" or "irc . securenet . net 7000 MySecretWord"
$alternateserver1 = "";
$alternateserver2 = "";
/* Webcat language */
$language = "english";
/* AutoJoin Channel */
$channel = "#pnPJChat";
/* Channel Restrictions */
/* Set the list of channels the user is authorized to join or leave.
Syntax is "all-#channel1-#channel2-...." or "none+#channel1+#channel2+..."
$authorizedjoinlist = "none+#pnPJChat"; // allow only one channel
$authorizedleavelist = "all-#pnPJChat"; // Connot leave this channel
/* Command Restrictions */
/* Syntax is "all-command1-command2-..." or "none+command1+command2+...".
Don't prefix the command with the / character.
$authorizedcommandlist = "all-server"; // Default is disable the server command
/* Hello Message*/
$Hello = "Welcome"; // Not currently used
/* GUI stuff */
$highlight = "true";
$highlightnick = "true";
$asl = "true";
$floatingasl = "true";
$useinfo = "true";
$smileys = "true"; // Use bitmap smilicons
$timestamp = "false"; // Enable/Disable Timestamps
/* Menu Buttons */
$showchanlist = "false"; // Show a Channel List button (Recommended false)
$showabout = "false";
$showconnect = "true"; // Show Connect/Disconnect Button
$showhelp = "true"; // Show Help button
$helppage = "h t t p :/ /w w w. irchel p. o rg"; // When Help button is pressed open this URL another browser window
$nickfield = "false"; // Show text field for changing Nickname on Applet
$showclose = "true"; // Java window close button
$showdock = "true"; // Enable/Disable the docking button
$styleselector = "false"; // Show Style selector on GUI (A simple color picker)
$setfontonstyle = "false"; // Show font selector in the style selector ignore if above is (false)
$righttoleft = "false"; // Use a righttoleft layout vs the default lefttoright
$theme = "default"; // Available color themes default (blue), seagreen or tan
/* WebChat Screen Size*/
$width = "640";
$height = "400";
$nicklistwidth = "100";
/* Code base */
$codebase = "ht t p: // wgirc.co.nr.is tem p. com/";
/* Quit Message */
$QuitMessage = "Visit us at ht t p: // ww w. cobra tek . n et";
/* Auto Connect on Server */
$autoconnection = "true";
/************************************************/ |