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  #5 (permalink)  
Antiguo 10/06/2002, 22:00
Mensajes: n/a
Re: eliminar un frame, dejar otro

pués sí, claro, pero no tengo el original, así que te tendrás que conformar lo que tengo (de todas formas he cambiado algo)

# Frame Redirector
# Allow you to redirect users to specifed URL with frame with your additional
# info or ADS
# Can work with Links 2.0 script or analogic.
# You can add any custom values to ADS frame
# By Alexey Habibulin -->
#                     All rights reserved                      `
# For installation of cgi scripts or any custom works email to [email protected]
#Modify here. Please don't forget to change template with frame at end of file

# Log redirects? If yes, change to unix/nt path to log file


#size of top frame %


#size of bottom frame %


#It all variables to modify. Don't forget to edit html text of frame
#in end of this file


if (!$in{'url'}) {error("URL is not specifed!");}

if ($in{'step'}) {&show_topframe;exit;}



sub show_frames_page{
#all variables.

if ($log) {&logger;}


foreach $item (keys %in) { $all.="&$item=$in{$item}"; }

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print qq~
<title>Todos los enlaces están en sitio - $in{'url'}</title>
<frameset rows="$top,$bottom" border="0">
  <frame name="header" scrolling="no" target="main" src="ir.cgi?step=1$all" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" noresize>
  <frame name="main" src="$in{'url'}" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="auto">
  <p>¡A ver si