Esta parte es la que en todo caso tendría que contener el error, ya que lo demás es para añadir el evento y eso no tiene problemas
Código PHP:
// Start of actual code, no need to change ////////////////////
if($startwithmonday) {
$dayName = array($monday, $tuesday, $wednesday, $thursday, $friday, $saturday,$sunday);
} else {
$dayName = array($sunday, $monday, $tuesday, $wednesday, $thursday, $friday, $saturday);
$monthName = array($january, $february, $march, $april, $may, $june, $july, $august, $september, $october,
$november, $december);
$act = $_GET['act'];
} else {
$act = "";
$date = $_GET['date'];
} else {
$date = date("Y-m-d");
// Function for creating the current month ////////////////////
function createMonth($date) {
global $startwithmonday;
$date = split("\-", $date);
$year = $date[0];
$month = $date[1];
// Dates
$this_month_date = makeDate($year, $month, 1);
$last_month_date = makeDate($year, $month - 1, 1);
$next_month_date = makeDate($year, $month + 1, 1);
// Numbers
$this_month_first_day = trim(date("w", $this_month_date));
$this_month_days = trim(date("t", $this_month_date));
$last_month_days = trim(date("t", $last_month_date));
$this_month_number = trim(date("n", $this_month_date));
$last_month_number = trim(date("n", $last_month_date));
$next_month_number = trim(date("n", $next_month_date));
$this_month_year = trim(date("Y", $this_month_date));
$last_month_year = trim(date("Y", $last_month_date));
$next_month_year = trim(date("Y", $next_month_date));
if($startwithmonday) {
if($this_month_first_day == 0) {
$this_month_first_day = 7;
} else {
// Förra
for($I = 1; $I < $this_month_first_day; $I++) {
$temp = $last_month_days - $this_month_first_day + $I + 1;
$monthArray["$last_month_year-$last_month_number-$temp"] = array(0, "$last_month_year-$last_month_number-$temp");
// Månad.
for($I = 1; $I <= $this_month_days; $I++) {
$monthArray["$this_month_year-$this_month_number-$I"] = array(1, "$this_month_year-$this_month_number-$I");
// Nästa
for($I = 1; $I <= 43 - $this_month_days - $this_month_first_day; $I++) {
$monthArray["$next_month_year-$next_month_number-$I"] = array(0, "$next_month_year-$next_month_number-$I");
return $monthArray;
// End of createMonth function
// Function for adding events to month ////////////////////////
function appendEvent($date, $monthArray) {
global $path, $act;
$date = split("\-", $date);
$year = $date[0];
$month = $date[1];
$date = makeDate($year, $month, 1);
$date = date("Y-m", $date);
if($act == "event") {
$fp = @fopen("$date.txt", "r");
} else {
$fp = @fopen("$path$date.txt", "r");
if($fp) {
while (!feof($fp)) {
$line = fgets($fp);
if($line != "") {
$data = split("\#", $line);
$date = split("\|", $data[0]);
$monthArray["$date[0]"][0] = 2;
$monthArray["$date[0]"][1] = "$date[0]";
$monthArray["$date[0]"][2][] = array("$date[1]", "$data[1]");
return $monthArray;
// End of appendEvent function
// Function for adding the current day ////////////////////////
function addToday($date, $monthArray) {
$date = split("\-", $date);
$year = $date[0];
$month = $date[1];
$this_year = date("Y");
$this_month = date("n");
if($year == $this_year && $month == $this_month) {
$monthArray[date("Y-n-j")][0] +=2;
return $monthArray;
// End of appendEvent function
// Function for displaying the current month //////////////////
function displayMonth($date, $monthArray) {
global $path, $weekBGColor, $weeknumber, $width, $monthName, $dayName, $monthBGColor, $monthTextColor, $daysBGColor;
$date = split("\-", $date);
$year = $date[0];
$month = $date[1];
$this_month = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);
$last_month = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month - 1, 1, $year);
$next_month = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month + 1, 1, $year);
// Javascript for popup window. ///////////////////////
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">
function event(location){
win=window.open(\"\",\"\",\"height=300,width=500, scrollbars=0, resizable=0, location=0, menubar=0, toolbar=0, status=0\")
echo "<TABLE class=\"table\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"$width\">\n<TR>\n";
echo "<TD class=\"td\" color=\"$monthTextColor\" bgcolor=\"$monthBGColor\" onMouseOver=\"this.className='sel'\" onMouseOut=\"this.className='td'\" >\n<A class=\"A\" HREF=\"?date=";
echo date("Y-m-j", $last_month);
echo "\">«</A>\n</TD>\n<TD class=\"td\" color=\"$monthTextColor\" bgcolor=\"$monthBGColor\">\n";
echo $monthName[$month-1];
echo date(" Y", $this_month);
echo "\n</TD>\n<TD class=\"td\" color=\"$monthTextColor\" bgcolor=\"$monthBGColor\" onMouseOver=\"this.className='sel'\" onMouseOut=\"this.className='td'\" >\n<A class=\"A\" HREF=\"?date=";
echo date("Y-m-j", $next_month);
echo "\">»</A>\n</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR>\n";
echo "<TD class=\"td\" colspan=\"3\">\n <TABLE class=\"table\" width=\"100%\">\n<TR>\n";
foreach ($dayName as $key) {
echo "<TD class=\"td\" bgcolor=\"$daysBGColor\">$key</TD>\n";
if($weeknumber) {
echo "<TD class=\"td\" bgcolor=\"$daysBGColor\">v.</TD>\n";
echo "</TR>\n\n<TR>\n";
// Prints the days. ///////////////////////////////////
$day = 0;
if($weeknumber) {
$week = date("W", $this_month);
foreach ($monthArray as $key) {
$date = split("\-", $key[1]);
if($key[0] == 0) {
echo "<TD class=\"empty\">$date[2]</TD>\n";
} else if($key[0] == 1) {
echo "<TD onMouseOver=\"this.className='sel'\" onMouseOut=\"this.className='event'\" class=\"event\">$date[2]</TD>\n";
} else if($key[0] == 2) {
echo "<TD onMouseOver=\"this.className='sel'\" onMouseOut=\"this.className='event'\" class=\"event\"><A class=\"A\" HREF=\"javascript:event('$path?act=event&date=" . $key[1] . "')\">$date[2]</A></TD>\n";
} else if ($key[0] == 3) {
echo "<TD onMouseOver=\"this.className='sel'\" onMouseOut=\"this.className='today'\" class=\"today\">$date[2]</TD>\n";
} else if ($key[0] == 4) {
echo "<TD onMouseOver=\"this.className='sel'\" onMouseOut=\"this.className='today'\" class=\"today\"><A class=\"A\" HREF=\"javascript:event('$path?act=event&date=" . $key[1] . "')\"><B>$date[2]</B></A></TD>\n";
if($day >= 7) {
if($weeknumber) {
echo "<TD bgcolor=\"$weekBGColor\" class=\"event\">$week</TD>\n";
if($week >= 53) {
$week = 0;
echo "</TR>\n<TR>\n";
$day = 0;
echo "</TR>\n</TABLE>\n</TD></TR></TABLE>\n";
// End of displayMonth function
// Function for diplay of an event. ///////////////////////////
function displayEvent($date, $monthArray) {
global $event1, $event2 , $monthName;
$date = split("\-", $date);
$year = $date[0];
$month = $date[1];
$day = $date[2];
$event = $monthArray["$year-$month-$day"][2];
echo "<style type=\"text/css\">
.Estilo1 {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 10px;
echo "<TABLE>\n";
echo "<TR>\n<TD bgcolor=\"$event2\"colspan=\"2\">\n";
echo $day . " " . $monthName[$month-1] . ", " . $year;
echo "\n</TD>\n</TR>\n\n";
foreach ($event as $key) {
echo "<TR>\n";
echo "<TD bgcolor=\"$event1\" width=\"100%\" height=\"50px\" valign=\"top\">\n";
echo $key[1];
echo "\n</TD>\n</TR>\n\n";
$temp = $event1;
$event1 = $event2;
$event2 = $temp;
echo "<TR>\n<TD bgcolor=\"#999999\"colspan=\"2\">\n";
echo "<div align=\"center\"><a href=\"javascript:window.close();\"><b>Cerrar</b></a></div>";
echo "\n</TD>\n</TR>\n\n";
echo "</TABLE>\n";
// End of displayEvent function
He quitado la parte de Css para que no ocupe tanto espacio.
A ver si me puedes ayudar porfavor
Muchas gracias
Saludos Cordiales