Lo de los Drivers en linux Segun yo Correctamente serian modulos del kernel (corrijanme si me equivoco) pero igual sirven para lo mismo
Pues alli mismo te dice
Cita: STEP 1: Download the Driver File
Download - NFORCE-Linux-x86_64-1.0-0310-pkg1.run
STEP 2: Begin Installation
From within a shell with root privileges, type "sh NFORCE-Linux-x86_64-1.0-0310-pkg1.run" to initiate the installation.
STEP 3: Review the NVIDIA Software License. You will need to accept this license to continue with the installation.
STEP 4: Review the Known Problems for any special installation instructions required by your platform.
STEP 5: Install
Follow the directions provided by the installer. The installer will prepare the driver and install the driver and application files in the appropriate place.
Note: For systems running a kernel for which there is no pre-built binary driver, the installer will need to build the driver. In order for the installer to build the driver, the kernel source needs to be installed.
STEP 6: Review Documentation
Refer to the ReleaseNotes (HTML Version) file (installed in /usr/share/doc/nforce) for instructions on configuring the system with the installed drivers.