Tema: C++ vs. C#
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Antiguo 03/04/2006, 15:53
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Ay, estos hablan de todo (aunque no hablen para todos) y se creen que los demás sabemos lo mismo.

Generic programming

In computer science, generics is a technique that allows one value to take different datatypes (so-called polymorphism) as long as certain contracts such as subtypes and signature are kept. The programming style emphasizing use of this technique is called generic programming.
For example, if one wanted to create a list using generics, a possible declaration would be to say List<T>, where T represented the type. When instantiated, one could create List<Integer> or List<Animal>. The list is then treated as a list of whichever type is specified.

Among object-oriented languages, C++, D, BETA, Eiffel, Ada, and versions of Java (1.5 and higher) provide generic facilities. VB.NET and C# began providing them with .NET 2.0. Much earlier than in all mentioned languages, generic programming was implemented in CLU.
Para los que no lo sabían, como yo..