Iniciado por uamistad Ya van varios que preguntan eso, ¿en dónde viste esa aplicación? Puedes buscar en el foro, hay algunos POST como el tuyo, pero nadie da con ese algoritmo.
¿ Puedes publicar en dónde viste esa aplic. funcionando para ir a verla ?
Aqui hay un componente de tress scripts :
Cita: <?php
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript"></script>
<style type="text/css" media="screen" title="default">
body {
font: 76%/1.4 tahoma, verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
.r {
color: red;
.g {
color: green;
Código PHP:
$msn = new msn;
if ($msn->connect('[email protected]', 'tu-password'))
// we're connected
// run rx_data function to 'idle' on the network
// rx_state will loop until the connection is dropped
echo '<p>Connection dropped</p>';
// wrong username and password?
echo '<p>Error Connecting to the MSN Network</p>';
Código PHP:
class switchboard
// font colours/styles
var $font_fn = 'Arial';
var $font_co = '333333';
var $font_ef = '';
// other
var $debug = 1;
var $trID = 1;
var $email = '';
function switchboard()
$this->session_start_time = time();
* desc : send IM message
* in : $ns = notification server connection
* $msg = message to send
* $passport = current logged in user
* $email = user to send message to
* out : true on success else return false
function tx_im($ns, $msg, $passport, $email)
$message = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\nX-MMS-IM-Format: FN=$this->font_fn; EF=$this->font_ef; CO=$this->font_co; CS=0; PF=22\r\n\r\n$msg";
$message = "MSG 20 N ".strlen($message)."\r\n$message";
if (@is_resource($this->sb))
// switchboard session already open
return true;
// open switchboard session through NS
fputs($ns, "XFR $this->trID SB\r\n");
$ns_data = fgets($ns, 4096);
@list($xfr,,, $server,, $as) = explode(' ', $ns_data);
if ($xfr != 'XFR')
echo 'unable to read NS info. last message: ';
echo $ns_data;
return false;
list($server, $port) = explode(':', $server);
if ($this->sb = @fsockopen($server, $port, $errno, $errstr, 5))
$this->_put("USR $this->trID $passport $as\r\n");
if (is_array($email))
foreach($email as $key => $value)
$this->_put("CAL $this->trID $value\r\n");
if (strstr($this->_get(), 'CAL'))
$this->_get(); // should be JOI...
$this->_put("CAL $this->trID $email\r\n");
if (strstr($this->_get(), 'CAL'))
$this->_get(); // should be JOI...
return true;
return false;
* desc : recieve an IM from the switchboard
* in : none
* out : a. null on fail/no message
* b. message string
function rx_im()
$message = null;
$msglen = null;
stream_set_timeout($this->sb, 1);
while (!feof($this->sb))
$data = ($msglen) ? $this->_get($msglen) : $this->_get();
switch (substr($data, 0, 3))
//if (empty($msglen)) continue;
$message.= $data;
if (strlen($message) >= $msglen && !empty($msglen))
$mesg = explode("\n", trim($message));
$last = end($mesg);
//if (@substr($last, 0, 10) != 'TypingUser')
if (!strstr($message, 'TypingUser'))
// this isn't a notification that the user is typing a message
return $last;
$msglen = null;
$message = null;
if ($this->session_start_time + 10 < time())
// looks like we've been idle for a while
echo 'IM timed out';
return null;
case 'MSG':
list(,,, $msglen) = explode (' ', $data);
case 'BYE':
return null;
return null;
* desc : authorise with switchboard from an IM invitation
* in : $server = switchboard server ip
* $port = switchboard server port
* $passport = logged in users passport email
* $sID = session id
* $as = auth string
* out : true on success else return false
function auth($server, $port, $passport, $sID, $as)
if ($this->sb = @fsockopen($server, $port, $errno, $errstr, 5))
$this->_put("ANS $this->trID $passport $as $sID\r\n");
if (!$this->rx_iro()) return false;
return true;
return false;
* desc : recieve IRO commands from IM session
* in : none
* out : true on success else return false
function rx_iro()
if ($data = $this->_get())
@list($iro, , $cur_num, $tot, $email, $name) = explode(' ', $data);
$sbsess->email = $email;
if ($iro != 'IRO')
echo "** BAD data in rx_iro(): see line above **\n";
return false;
// recieve names/list of others connected
for ($i=1; $i<$tot; $i++)
if (!$data = $this->_get())
echo "** BAD data in rx_iro(): see line above **\n";
return false;
@list($ans) = explode(' ', $this->_get());
if ($ans != 'ANS') return false;
return true;
return false;
* desc : close switchboard connection
* in : none
* out : none
function im_close()
Various private functions
function _get($use_fread=0)
$data = ($use_fread) ? @fread($this->sb, $use_fread) : @fgets($this->sb, 4096);
if ($data)
if ($this->debug) echo "<div class=\"r\"><<< SB: $data</div>\n";
return $data;
return false;
function _put($data)
@fputs($this->sb, $data);
if ($this->debug) echo "<div class=\"g\">>>> SB: $data</div>";
....continua en el siguiete post