06/01/2006, 20:48
 | | | Fecha de Ingreso: marzo-2004
Mensajes: 1.510
Antigüedad: 21 años Puntos: 7 | |
problemas con hostgator necesito su ayuda, tengo como 8 meses ya con mi proveedor y este 3 de enero me dice The account softkc.com user eacevedo has been been moved to our
temporary server because your site has been using an increasingly high number of system resources such as CPU and RAM. By doing so this has caused a performance decrease for other clients on the same server since its a shared hosting environment you are allowed a limited number of
resources. ?????????? no comprendia como de repente tiran mi sitios ( por el cambio de ip ) entre otro problemas, intercambiando preguntas con ellos respecto al problema me dicen: Hello,
I'll respond to your questions, in-line, below:
> the actual "temporary server" of mi sites ( ip ) will
be the server of mi sites or in some moment will be moved to another
As outlined in the original notice, we will leave your account on this
temporary server for a few days as a courtesy and require you to
upgrade your hosting services to semi-dedicated or a dedicated server. This
will allow your site to have access to the higher than usual number of
resources it requires and not affect performance of other customers.
So, until you decide to move, it will remain on this server, but only for
a limited time. We do this so your site will remain up while you
decide, rather than you having it remain suspended on the old server. You
should make this decision soon and we can help you if you contact sales
about the hosting plans you might be interested in.
> i need more details arround the scripts was generated the problem (
page, hour, day , etc )
The information was provided showing this was related to web access
(over http).
eacevedo softkc.com 57.66 2.30 0.0
Top Process %CPU 81.5 httpd [www.softkc.com]
Top Process %CPU 81.4 httpd [www.softkc.com]
Top Process %CPU 81.3 httpd [www.softkc.com]
I do not have information about the specific page, day, hour or any
specific details about the incident, but as you can see from that
information above, the processes were too large (over 81% of the CPU for each
process). Often when sites significantly overload a server, we aren't
able to allow the issue to remain a problem while we take time to look
into the specifics about what might be causing it, assuming we could
easily find that information. While it's on the temporary server, that
might be able to be determined, however. no logro enterder como un sitio de 4300 visitas unicas y un banwidth de 6 Gb ( es el maximo alcanzado en diciembre ) necesite un servidor dedicado,
entiendo que un script mal programado pueda estar generando un alto consumo de recursos del servidor en un determinado momento pero en ese caso lo bloqueas y punto, pero de ahi a que me pasen a otro servidor y me quieran hacer pagar un dedicado lo veo sumamente fuera de lugar.
cualquier comentario sera bien recibido
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