22/12/2005, 10:38
 | | | Fecha de Ingreso: diciembre-2004
Mensajes: 453
Antigüedad: 20 años, 3 meses Puntos: 0 | |
porque no me rula este codigo? Hola pues nada que necesito convertir ha RSS las noticias de mi web,me recomendaron que buscara en hotscripts,y encontre uno muy bueno,pero que no se porque no funciona!:(.....
He cambiado los datos y todo lo necesario pero no me anda....porque?
Gracias,aqui os dejo el codigo ^^: Código PHP: <?php
Project: playRSSwriter: RSS 2.0 writer with images support
File: playRSSwriter.php
Author: Eduardo Perez Orue <[email protected]>
Version: 0.90
For the latest version of the writer, questions, help, comments,
etc., please visit:
You can download the script here:
What is playRSSwriter ?
When working on creating a rss feed for our site http://playlingerie.com,
we realized that all the existing php writers were either for rss 1.0 or for
rss 2.0 but without support for embeded images. So I created this code.
You can see it in action in:
http://playlingerie.com/rss.php (machines) or
http://feeds.feedburner.com/sexy-lingerie (humans)
Enjoy it !!
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
This work is hereby released into the Public Domain. To view a copy of
the public domain dedication, visit
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ or send a letter to
Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
// First we start defining all the variables that we will insert in the
// xml code.
// Insert here the the title of your feed
$rss_title= "Title of your feed";
// Insert your site, in the format site.com
$rss_site= "site.com" ;
// Insert the description of your website
$rss_description= "Description of your website";
// Applicable language of the feed. For spanish, change to "es"
// Address of the logo file. Only need to put the file name
// the feed's author email
$emailadmin="[email protected]";
// set the file's content type and character set
// this must be called before any output
header("Content-Type: text/xml;charset=iso-8859-1");
$phpversion = phpversion();
//set the beginning of the xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss">
// Now the variables about the individual items to appear in the feed. Here we
// take them from a MySQL database, but can also come from a included file
// Define database
$server = "localhost"; // Server
$rss_database = "name_of_the_database" ; // Database name
$db_user ="user" ; // Database user
$db_pass = "password" ; // Database password
// Open the database
$db = mysql_connect($server,$db_user,$db_pass);
// Calculate the number of records in the table "Products"
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select * from Products"));
// Select all the records from the table "Products". You can modify the
// query to only select some records, change the order, etc.
$query = "select * from Products" ;
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed") ;
//Make a loop to create the feed for all the items selected
while ($results = mysql_fetch_array($result))
// Pass the database field Photo_name to the variable $photo_name
// The Photo_name has to include the relative path,
// for instance: $photo_name="images/photo1.jpg";
$photo_name = $results['Photo_name'] ;
// Pass the record URL_product to the variable $url_product. It also
// has to include the relative path, like in: "path/product1.htm"
$url_product = $results['URL_product'] ;
// Pass the record Description to the variable $description
$description = $results['Description'] ;
// Clean the description
$description = str_replace ("&","",htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($description)));
// Pass tags to describe the product
$rss_tags = $results['Product_tags'] ;
// If you don't have tags for the product, simply change to a fixed value,
// for instance put:
// $rss_tags="tag1 tag2";
// Make a short description for titles of only 75 characters
$short_description = substr($description,0,75) . "...";
$counter ++ ;
// Calculate the size of the image and resize it to a thumbnail
$photo_size= getimagesize($photo_name) ;
$photo_width = $photo_size[0] ;
$photo_height = $photo_size[1] ;
unset($height_limit,$width_limit) ;
if ($photo_height > $photo_width )
$photo_height= "90" ;
$photo_width = "80" ;
// Create the html for the description item. No need to modify this unless
// you want to change the look
$content="<p><a href=\"http://$rss_site/$url_product\">$description</a></p>
<p><a href=\"http://$rss_site/$url_product\" title=\"$description\"><img src=\"$photo_name\" width=\"$photo_width\" height=\"$photo_height\" alt=\"$short_description\" style=\"border: 1px solid #000000;\" /></a></p>
<p>$rss_site</p>" ;
// Escape all the descriptions
$content = preg_replace(array('/</', '/>/', '/"/'), array('<', '>', '"'), $content);
// display an item
<media:content url="$photo_name" type="image/jpeg" height="$photo_height" width="$photo_width"/>
<media:text type="html">
<p><a href="http://$rss_site/$url_product">$description</a></p>
<p><a href="http://$rss_site/$url_product" title="$short_description"><img src="$photo_name" width="$photo_width" height="$photo_height" alt="$short_description" style="border: 1px solid #000000;" /></a></p>
<media:thumbnail url="$photo_name" height="$photo_height" width="$photo_width"/>
<media:category scheme="urn:$rss_site:tags">
// Close the database
// And end the xml file
// Done !! Use http://feedvalidator.com to verify that it's correct.
?> |