Bueno como dije en el post no me envia al mail y nose porque.
Código PHP:
// Enter your email address here
//$adminaddress = "[email protected]";
// Enter the address of your website here MUST include http://www.
$siteaddress ="http://www.fondoverde.org";
// Enter your company name or site name here
$sitename = "Fondo Verde";
// Gets the date and time from your server
$date = date("m/d/Y H:i:s");
// Gets the IP Address
if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") $ip = "no ip";
else $ip = getHostByAddr($REMOTE_ADDR);
//Process the form data!
// and send the information collected in the Flash form to Your nominated email address
IF ($action != ""):
"FAO: $listmail \n
Full Name: $fname
Email: $vemail\n
The visitor commented:
Logged Info :
Hostname: $ip
IP address: $REMOTE_ADDR
Date/Time: $date","FROM:$maildestino");
//This sends a confirmation to your visitor
mail("$vemail","Thank You for visiting $sitename", "Hi $fname,\n
Thank you for your interest in $sitename!\n
//Confirmation is sent back to the Flash form that the process is complete
$sendresult = "Done!";
$send_answer = "answer=";
$send_answer .= rawurlencode($sendresult);
echo "$send_answer";
Bueno y el SWf tengo las variables respectivas.