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Antiguo 04/11/2005, 09:54
Avatar de virla
Fecha de Ingreso: julio-2002
Ubicación: Rio Gallegos - Santa Cruz
Mensajes: 893
Antigüedad: 22 años, 8 meses
Puntos: 1
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *\
  Function    : editor_generate
  Description : replace textarea with wysiwyg editor
  Usage       : editor_generate("textarea_id",[height],[width]);
  Arguments   : objname - ID of textarea to replace
                w       - width of wysiwyg editor
                h       - height of wysiwyg editor
\* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

function editor_generate(objname,userConfig) {

  // Default Settings
  var config = new editor_defaultConfig(objname);
  if (userConfig) { 
    for (var thisName in userConfig) {
      if (userConfig[thisName]) { config[thisName] = userConfig[thisName]; }
  document.all[objname].config = config;                  // store config settings

  // set size to specified size or size of original object
  var obj    = document.all[objname];
  if (!config.width || config.width == "auto") {
    if      ( { config.width =; }      // use css style
    else if (obj.cols)        { config.width = (obj.cols * 8) + 22; }  // col width + toolbar
    else                      { config.width = '100%'; }               // default
  if (!config.height || config.height == "auto") {
    if      ( { config.height =; }   // use css style
    else if (obj.rows)         { config.height = obj.rows * 17 }       // row height
    else                       { config.height = '200'; }              // default

  var tblOpen  = '<table border=0 background="../img/iconos/fondoEditor.gif" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style="float: left;"  unselectable="on"><tr><td style="border: none; padding: 1 0 0 0"><nobr>';
  var tblClose = '</nobr></td></tr></table>\n';

  // build button toolbar

  var toolbar = '';
  var btnGroup, btnItem, aboutEditor;
  for (var btnGroup in config.toolbar) {

    // linebreak
    if (config.toolbar[btnGroup].length == 1 &&
        config.toolbar[btnGroup][0].toLowerCase() == "linebreak") {
      toolbar += '<br clear="all">';

    toolbar += tblOpen;
    for (var btnItem in config.toolbar[btnGroup]) {
      var btnName = config.toolbar[btnGroup][btnItem].toLowerCase();

      // fontname
      if (btnName == "fontname") {
        toolbar += '<select id="_' +objname+ '_FontName" onChange="editor_action(" unselectable="on" style="margin: 1 2 0 2; font-size: 12px;">';
        for (var fontname in config.fontnames) {
          toolbar += '<option value="' +config.fontnames[fontname]+ '">' +fontname+ '</option>'
        toolbar += '</select>';

      // fontsize
      if (btnName == "fontsize") {
        toolbar += '<select id="_' +objname+ '_FontSize" onChange="editor_action(" unselectable="on" style="margin: 1 2 0 0; font-size: 12px;">';
        for (var fontsize in config.fontsizes) {
          toolbar += '<option value="' +config.fontsizes[fontsize]+ '">' +fontsize+ '</option>'
        toolbar += '</select>\n';

      // font style
      if (btnName == "fontstyle") {
        toolbar += '<select id="_' +objname+ '_FontStyle" onChange="editor_action(" unselectable="on" style="margin: 1 2 0 0; font-size: 12px;">';
        + '<option value="">Font Style</option>';
        for (var i in config.fontstyles) {
          var fontstyle = config.fontstyles[i];
          toolbar += '<option value="' +fontstyle.className+ '">' '</option>'
        toolbar += '</select>';

      // separator
      if (btnName == "separator") {
        toolbar += '<span style="border: 1px inset; width: 1px; font-size: 16px; height: 16px; margin: 0 3 0 3"></span>';

      // buttons
      var btnObj = config.btnList[btnName];
      if (btnName == 'linebreak') { alert("htmlArea error: 'linebreak' must be in a subgroup by itself, not with other buttons.\n\nhtmlArea wysiwyg editor not created."); return; }
      if (!btnObj) { alert("htmlArea error: button '" +btnName+ "' not found in button list when creating the wysiwyg editor for '"+objname+"'.\nPlease make sure you entered the button name correctly.\n\nhtmlArea wysiwyg editor not created."); return; }
      var btnCmdID   = btnObj[0];
      var btnTitle   = btnObj[1];
      var btnOnClick = btnObj[2];
      var btnImage   = btnObj[3];
      toolbar += '<button title="' +btnTitle+ '" id="_' +objname+ '_' +btnCmdID+ '" class="btn" onClick="' +btnOnClick+ '" onmouseover="if(this.className==\'btn\'){this.className=\'btnOver\'}" onmouseout="if(this.className==\'btnOver\'){this.className=\'btn\'}" unselectable="on"><img src="' +config.imgURL + btnImage+ '" border=0 unselectable="on"></button>';

    } // end of button sub-group
    toolbar += tblClose;
  } // end of entire button set

  // build editor

  var editor = '<span id="_editor_toolbar"><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 background="../img/iconos/fondoEditor.gif" style="padding: 1 0 0 2" width=' + config.width + ' unselectable="on"><tr><td>\n'
  + toolbar
  + '</td></tr></table>\n'
  + '</td></tr></table></span>\n'
  + '<textarea ID="_' +objname + '_editor" style="width:' +config.width+ '; height:' +config.height+ '; margin-top: -1px; margin-bottom: -1px;" wrap=soft></textarea>';

  // add context menu
  editor += '<div id="_' +objname + '_cMenu" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden;"></div>';

  //  hide original textarea and insert htmlarea after it
  if (!config.debug) { document.all[objname].style.display = "none"; }

  if (config.plaintextInput) {     // replace nextlines with breaks
    var contents = document.all[objname].value;
    contents = contents.replace(/\r\n/g, '<br>');
    contents = contents.replace(/\n/g, '<br>');
    contents = contents.replace(/\r/g, '<br>');
    document.all[objname].value = contents;

  // insert wysiwyg
  document.all[objname].insertAdjacentHTML('afterEnd', editor)

  // convert htmlarea from textarea to wysiwyg editor
  editor_setmode(objname, 'init');

  // call filterOutput when user submits form
  for (var idx=0; idx < document.forms.length; idx++) {
    var r = document.forms[idx].attachEvent('onsubmit', function() { editor_filterOutput(objname); });
    if (!r) { alert("Error attaching event to form!"); }

return true;


/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *\
  Function    : editor_action
  Description : perform an editor command on selected editor content
  Usage       :
  Arguments   : button_id - button id string with editor and action name
\* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

function editor_action(button_id) {

  // split up button name into "editorID" and "cmdID"
  var BtnParts = Array();
  BtnParts = button_id.split("_");
  var objname    = button_id.replace(/^_(.*)_[^_]*$/, '$1');
  var cmdID      = BtnParts[ BtnParts.length-1 ];
  var button_obj = document.all[button_id];
  var editor_obj = document.all["_" +objname + "_editor"];
  var config     = document.all[objname].config;

  // help popup
  if (cmdID == 'showhelp') { + "../popups/editor_help.html", 'EditorHelp');

  // popup editor
  if (cmdID == 'popupeditor') { + "../popups/fullscreen.html?"+objname,

  // check editor mode (don't perform actions in textedit mode)
  if (editor_obj.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'textarea') { return; }

  var editdoc = editor_obj.contentWindow.document;

  // get index and value for pulldowns
  var idx = button_obj.selectedIndex;
  var val = (idx != null) ? button_obj[ idx ].value : null;

  if (0) {}   // use else if for easy cutting and pasting

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