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  #5 (permalink)  
Antiguo 31/10/2005, 05:31
Fecha de Ingreso: diciembre-2003
Mensajes: 237
Antigüedad: 21 años, 1 mes
Puntos: 4
ME HAN dado respuesta. jeje pero me empano menos. kien se atreve a decirme k me dicen? puedo coger imagenes gratis de su pagina?
Thank you for your request to include a link to the Musculoskeletal Atlas. Your request has been forwarded to me by one of the Developers of the Atlas. All reproductions of the Atlas Images require permission or a license from the University of Washington.

You may include a LINK to the Atlas Images, but you may not reproduce and post the image to your website unless you have a license from the University of Washington. No reproduction of the Atlas Images is permitted for webpages unless the creator has received permission or license from the University.

About Web Links You may include a link to the Image on your webpage, but you do not have permission to reproduce the Images on the website without a license to reproduce the Images from the University of Washington.

About Licenses to Reproduce Image on Web Site: Licenses to reproduce the Images on a website are available from the University.You can choose to license all of the images from the Musculoskeletal Atlas, or for any of the individual images at the following fees: For commercial use $1500 for the entire Atlas or you can license individual Images for $500 and $100/per Image. For educational institutions the fees are: for the entire Atlas (all images) $ 300. Individual images are licensed at $300 plus additional per/image fee of: $30/per image . All licenses are payable in US Dollars. Licenses are: Non-exclusive; Images are provided ‘as is’ with no warranty; licensors agree to indemnify UW; Images are not available on a stand-alone basis (they must be part of another, named-work); UW receives acknowledgement as the copyright owner with all rights reserved; No commercial reproduction is permitted; No third-party commercial re-distribution is permitted.

Permission for Scholarly Uses: If however you wish to use Images for a single presentation, scholarly journal article or academic degree-project , UW provides a form you can use to request a one-time, no-fee permission to use Images from the Atlas . The University of Washington (UW) and the Developers use information from the Permission Forms to demonstrate the continuing interest in the Atlas and its distribution to other academic and research institutions. Please fill out the Permission Form (link attached) . Link to Permission Form:
If you wish to license the Images, please let me know and I will send you a license agreement by PDF for your signature. The license may be completed by faxing the signed agreement to me and the University of Washington will send you an invoice for the license and fees.


Gail Dykstra
UW TechTransfer Digital Ventures
[email protected]