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Antiguo 28/10/2005, 09:30
Fecha de Ingreso: junio-2004
Mensajes: 15
Antigüedad: 20 años, 9 meses
Puntos: 0
Buscador de archivos remoto

Muy buenas, estoy recien metiendome a fonod en este tema del javascript y me aparecio un problema, encontre el sgte codigo:

HTML><head><TITLE>        Search... with sub-folders!


.formItem {
    color: #000000;
    border: 1px solid #aaaaaa;
    background-color: #eeeeee;

.find {
    color: #0000ff;
    font: 10px Arial;

.title {
    background-color: #dddddd;
    color: #000000;
    font: 12px arial;
    font-weight: bold;
    text-align: center;

A {
    color: blue;
    text-decoration: none;

A:hover {
    text-decoration: underline;


<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

// Establish a few environment variables.
var fso = new ActiveXObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" );
var result = new String( );
var FileName = new String( );
var Extention = new String( );

// Converts file & folder byte size values to computer metric (bytes, KB, MB, GB or TB).  returns a string.
function toMetric( bytes ) {

    // Check for Terabytes (TB).
    if( bytes >= 1099511627776 ) { return ( Math.floor( bytes / 1099511627776 ) + ' TB' ); }

    // Check for Gigabytes (GB).
    if( bytes >= 1073741824 ) { return ( Math.floor( bytes / 1073741824 ) + ' GB' ); }

    // Check for Megabytes (MB).
    if( bytes >= 1048576 ) { return ( Math.floor( bytes / 1048576 ) + ' MB' ); }

    // Check for Kilobytes (KB).
    if( bytes >= 1024 ) { return ( Math.floor( bytes / 1024 ) + ' KB' ); }

    // The file is less than one KB, just return size as 1 KB like Windows does.
    return '1 KB';

// Show the contents of a clicked sub-folder.
function subFolder( path ) {

    // Update the txtPath field with the new search folder.
    frmSearch.txtPath.value = unescape( path );

    // Restart a new search with the new folder.
    scan( );

// Scans the given path for files matching the given mask.
function FindFile( searchPath ) {

    // Extablish a table color toggle.
    var toggle = true;

    // If chkShowFolders is checked, display the sub-folders.
    if( frmSearch.chkShowFolders.checked ) {

        // Check to see if the current folder is the drive root.
        if( fso.GetParentFolderName( frmSearch.txtPath.value ).length > 0 ) {

            // Add the parent folder to the table result string.
            result +=
                '<tr' + ( ( toggle ) ? '' : ' BGCOLOR="#f0f0f0"' ) + '>' +
                '<td NOWRAP><FONT CLASS="find"> <A HREF="#" onclick="subFolder( \'' +
                escape( fso.GetParentFolderName( frmSearch.txtPath.value ) ) +
                '\' ); return false;">..</A> </FONT></td>' +
                '<td NOWRAP><FONT CLASS="find"> Parent folder </FONT></td>' +
                '<td NOWRAP ALIGN="right"><FONT CLASS="find"> </FONT></td></tr>';

            // Toggle the color toggle variable.
            toggle = !toggle;

        // Establish enumerator to step from folder to folder in the SubFolders collection.
        var folderEnum = new Enumerator( searchPath.SubFolders );

        // Iterate through the folders in the collection.
        for( var i = 0; !folderEnum.atEnd( ); folderEnum.moveNext( ) ) {

            // Use a variable to hold the current file object to shorten the code below.
            var folder = folderEnum.item( );

            // Add the folder to the table result string.
            result +=
                '<tr' + ( ( toggle ) ? '' : ' BGCOLOR="#f0f0f0"' ) + '>' +
                '<td NOWRAP><FONT CLASS="find"> <A HREF="#" ' +
                'onclick="subFolder( \'' + escape( folder.Path ) + '\' ); return false;">' + +
                '</A> </FONT></td>' +
                '<td NOWRAP><FONT CLASS="find"> ' + folder.type + ' </FONT></td>' +
                '<td NOWRAP ALIGN="right"><FONT CLASS="find"> </FONT></td></tr>';

            // Toggle the color toggle variable.
            toggle = !toggle;

    // Establish enumerator to step from item to item in the folder contents.
    var fileEnum = new Enumerator( searchPath.Files );

    // Iterate through the files in the collection.  Scan for files fitting the file mask.
    for( var i = 0; !fileEnum.atEnd( ); fileEnum.moveNext( ) ) {

        // Use a variable to hold the current file object to shorten the code below.
        var file = fileEnum.item( );

        // Validate current file against search filename parameter.
        if( FileName == "*" || 0, "." ) ).toLowerCase( ).indexOf( FileName ) > -1 ) {

            // Validate current file extention against search file extention parameter.
            if( Extention == "*" || "." ) + 1 ).toLowerCase( ).indexOf( Extention ) > -1 ) {

                // Add the file to the table result string.
                result +=
                    '<tr' + ( ( toggle ) ? '' : ' BGCOLOR="#f0f0f0"' ) + '>' +
                    '<td NOWRAP><FONT CLASS="find"> <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="' +
                    file.Path + '">' + +
                    '</A> </FONT></td>' +
                    '<td NOWRAP><FONT CLASS="find"> ' + file.type + ' </FONT></td>' +
                    '<td NOWRAP ALIGN="right"><FONT CLASS="find"> ' +
                    toMetric( file.size )  + ' </FONT></td></tr>';

                // Toggle the color toggle variable.
                toggle = !toggle;

// Validates path and filename and initiates the file scan.
function scan( ) {

    // Parse filename and extention from the given mask.
    FileName = ( frmSearch.txtMask.value.lastIndexOf( "." ) > -1 ) ? frmSearch.txtMask.value.slice( 0, frmSearch.txtMask.value.lastIndexOf( "." ) ) : ( frmSearch.txtMask.value.length > 0 ) ? frmSearch.txtMask.value.toLowerCase( ) : "*";
    Extention = ( frmSearch.txtMask.value.lastIndexOf( "." ) > -1 ) ? frmSearch.txtMask.value.slice( frmSearch.txtMask.value.lastIndexOf( "." ) + 1 ).toLowerCase( ) : "*";

    // Validate the given path.
    if( frmSearch.txtPath.value.length > 0 && fso.FolderExists( frmSearch.txtPath.value ) ) {

        // Path exists. Generate table headder.
        result =
            '<table BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="0"><tr>' +
            '<td WIDTH="60%" CLASS="title">Name</td>' +
            '<td WIDTH="25%" CLASS="title">Type</td>' +
            '<td WIDTH="15%" CLASS="title">Size</td></tr>';

        // Collect valid filenames.
        FindFile( fso.GetFolder( frmSearch.txtPath.value ) );

        // Close and display search results table.
        outPut.innerHTML = result + "</table>";

    } else {

        // Path is invalid.  Alert user.
        alert( "Please enter a valid Path before proceeding." );


<body onload="frmSearch.txtMask.focus( ); )" BGCOLOR="#ffffff" TOPMARGIN="0" LEFTMARGIN="0">

<form ID="frmSearch" NAME="frmSearch">

<table BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" STYLE="border-collapse: collapse;" CELLPADDING="2">
    <td><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2"><B> Mask :  </B></FONT></td>
    <td><input TYPE="text" VALUE="*.*" ID="txtMask" NAME="txtMask" CLASS="formItem" STYLE="width:600;"></td>
    <td><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2"><B> Path :  </B></FONT></td>
    <td><input TYPE="text" VALUE="C:\" ID="txtPath" NAME="txtPath" CLASS="formItem" STYLE="width:600;"></td>
    <td> </td>
        <input TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search" CLASS="formItem" STYLE="width:150;"
            onclick="scan( ); frmSearch.txtMask.focus( ); ); return false;">
        <input TYPE="checkbox" CHECKED ID="chkShowFolders" NAME="chkShowFolders"
            ><LABEL FOR="chkShowFolders">Show sub-folders</LABEL>
    <td COLSPAN="2">
        <BR> <FONT FACE="arial" SIZE="2"><B> Search Result: </B></FONT>
        <DIV ID="outPut"></DIV>


Lo arregle a mi gusto para q busque solo en una determinada carpeta pero al ponerlo en linea no busca d manera remota solo local, alguien me puede dar una idea como modificar este codigo para q busque en el servidor y no asi en el cliente, esto lo hago para q sea mas facil subir archivos al server y no tener q meterlos a una base d datos....gracias