Código PHP:
/* */
/* Updated for PHP-Nuke 5.6 - 18 Jun 2002 NukeScripts */
/* website http://www.nukescripts.com */
/* */
/* Updated for PHP-Nuke 5.5 - 24/03/2002 Rugeri */
/* website http://newsportal.homip.net */
/* */
/* (C) 2002 */
/* All rights beyond the GPL are reserved */
/* */
/* Please give a link back to my site somewhere in your own */
/* */
/* Additional security checking code 2003 by chatserv */
/* http://www.nukefixes.com -- http://www.nukeresources.com */
if (eregi("block-User_Info.php",$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) {
Header("Location: index.php");
$content = "";
global $user, $cookie, $prefix, $user_prefix, $db, $anonymous, $sitekey;
mt_srand ((double)microtime()*1000000);
$maxran = 1000000;
$random_num = mt_rand(0, $maxran);
$datekey = date("F j");
$rcode = hexdec(md5($_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT] . $sitekey . $random_num . $datekey));
$code = substr($rcode, 2, 10);
$uname = $cookie[1];
$lasturow = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT username FROM $user_prefix"._users." ORDER BY user_id DESC LIMIT 0,1"));
$lastuser = $lasturow['username'];
$numrows = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("SELECT user_id FROM $user_prefix"._users.""));
$result = $db->sql_query("SELECT uname, guest FROM $prefix"._session." WHERE guest='0'");
$member_online_num = $db->sql_numrows($result);
$who_online_now = "";
$i = 1;
while ($session = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
if (isset($session["guest"]) and $session["guest"] == 0) {
if ($i < 10) {
$who_online_now .= "0$i: <A HREF=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=$session[uname]\">$session[uname]</a><br>\n";
} else {
$who_online_now .= "$i: <A HREF=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=$session[uname]\">$session[uname]</a><br>\n";
$who_online_now .= ($i != $member_online_num ? " " : "");
$Today = getdate();
//Formatting Current Date
$month = $Today['month'];
$mday = $Today['mday'];
$year = $Today['year'];
//Formatting Previous Date
$pmonth = $Today['month'];
$pmday = $Today['mday'];
$pmday = $mday-1;
$pyear = $Today['year'];
//Month conversion into numeric mode
if ($pmonth=="January") { $pmonth=1; } else
if ($pmonth=="February") { $pmonth=2; } else
if ($pmonth=="March") { $pmonth=3; } else
if ($pmonth=="April") { $pmonth=4; } else
if ($pmonth=="May") { $pmonth=5; } else
if ($pmonth=="June") { $pmonth=6; } else
if ($pmonth=="July") { $pmonth=7; } else
if ($pmonth=="August") { $pmonth=8; } else
if ($pmonth=="September") { $pmonth=9; } else
if ($pmonth=="October") { $pmonth=10; } else
if ($pmonth=="November") { $pmonth=11; } else
if ($pmonth=="December") { $pmonth=12; };
$test = mktime (0,0,0,$pmonth,$pmday,$pyear,1);
//Creating SQL parameter
$curDate2 = "%".$month[0].$month[1].$month[2]."%".$mday."%".$year."%";
$preday = strftime ("%d",$test);
$premonth = strftime ("%B",$test);
$preyear = strftime ("%Y",$test);
$curDateP = "%".$premonth[0].$premonth[1].$premonth[2]."%".$preday."%".$preyear."%";
//Executing SQL Today
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT COUNT(user_id) AS userCount FROM $user_prefix"._users." WHERE user_regdate LIKE '$curDate2'"));
$userCount = $row['userCount'];
//Executing SQL Today
$row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT COUNT(user_id) AS userCount FROM $user_prefix"._users." WHERE user_regdate LIKE '$curDateP'"));
$userCount2 = $row2['userCount'];
$guest_online_num = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("SELECT uname FROM ".$prefix."_session WHERE guest='1'"));
$member_online_num = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("SELECT uname FROM ".$prefix."_session WHERE guest='0'"));
$who_online_num = $guest_online_num + $member_online_num;
$content .= "<form action=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account\" method=\"post\">";
if (is_user($user)) {
$content .= "<br><img src=\"images/blocks/group-4.gif\" height=\"14\" width=\"17\"> "._BWEL.", <b>$uname</b>.<br>\n<hr>\n";
$row3 = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT user_id FROM $user_prefix"._users." WHERE username='$uname'"));
$uid = intval($row3[user_id]);
$newpms = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("SELECT privmsgs_to_userid FROM $prefix"._bbprivmsgs." WHERE privmsgs_to_userid='$uid' AND (privmsgs_type='5' OR privmsgs_type='1')"));
$oldpms = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("SELECT privmsgs_to_userid FROM $prefix"._bbprivmsgs." WHERE privmsgs_to_userid='$uid' AND privmsgs_type='0'"));
$content .= "<img src=\"images/blocks/email-y.gif\" height=\"10\" width=\"14\"> <a href=\"modules.php?name=Private_Messages\"><b>"._BPM."</b></a><br>\n";
$content .= "<img src=\"images/blocks/email-r.gif\" height=\"10\" width=\"14\"> "._BUNREAD.": <b>$newpms</b><br>\n";
$content .= "<img src=\"images/blocks/email-g.gif\" height=\"10\" width=\"14\"> "._BREAD.": <b>$oldpms</b><br>\n<hr>\n";
} else {
$content .= "<img src=\"images/blocks/group-4.gif\" height=\"14\" width=\"17\"> "._BWEL.", <b>$anonymous</b>\n<hr>";
$content .= ""._NICKNAME." <input type=\"text\" name=\"username\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"25\"><br>";
$content .= ""._PASSWORD." <input type=\"password\" name=\"user_password\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"20\"><br>";
$content .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"random_num\" value=\"$random_num\">";
$content .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"gfx_check\" value=\"$code\">";
$content .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"login\">";
$content .= "<input type=\"submit\" value=\""._LOGIN."\">\n (<a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=new_user\">"._BREG."</a>)<hr>";
$content .= "<img src=\"images/blocks/group-2.gif\" height=\"14\" width=\"17\"> <b><u>"._BMEMP.":</u></b><br>\n";
$content .= "<img src=\"images/blocks/ur-moderator.gif\" height=\"14\" width=\"17\"> "._BLATEST.": <A HREF=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=$lastuser\"><b>$lastuser</b></a><br>\n";
$content .= "<img src=\"images/blocks/ur-author.gif\" height=\"14\" width=\"17\"> "._BTD.": <b>$userCount</b><br>\n";
$content .= "<img src=\"images/blocks/ur-admin.gif\" height=\"14\" width=\"17\"> "._BYD.": <b>$userCount2</b><br>\n";
$content .= "<img src=\"images/blocks/ur-guest.gif\" height=\"14\" width=\"17\"> "._BOVER.": <b>$numrows</b><br>\n<hr>\n";
$content .= "<img src=\"images/blocks/group-3.gif\" height=\"14\" width=\"17\"> <b><u>"._BVISIT.":</u></b>\n<br>\n";
$content .= "<img src=\"images/blocks/ur-anony.gif\" height=\"14\" width=\"17\"> "._BVIS.": <b>$guest_online_num</b><br>\n";
$content .= "<img src=\"images/blocks/ur-member.gif\" height=\"14\" width=\"17\"> "._BMEM.": <b>$member_online_num</b><br>\n";
$content .= "<img src=\"images/blocks/ur-registered.gif\" height=\"14\" width=\"17\"> "._BTT.": <b>$who_online_num</b><br>\n";
if ($member_online_num > 0) {
$content .= "<hr>\n<img src=\"images/blocks/group-1.gif\" height=\"14\" width=\"17\"> <b><u>"._BON.":</u></b><br>$who_online_now";
$content .= "</form>";
¿Este codigo se podria usar?, supongo que habria que adaptarlo para que pillara la BD del phpBB, pero ni idea de hacerlo.
Muchisimas gracias de antemano.