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Antiguo 07/09/2005, 04:57
Fecha de Ingreso: septiembre-2005
Mensajes: 9
Antigüedad: 19 años, 5 meses
Puntos: 0
error en un .php

Hola a todos!
Es la primera vez que entro en el foro... a ver si alguien , por favor, me puede ayudar en este error (soy novato en esto de PHP) .
Gracias de antemano!
Se trata de un contador de descargas y hay un archivo que me dá un error:

Archivo >> click.php

Error >> Invalid ID, numbers (0-9) only!

# PHP click counter (CCount)
# Version: 1.1
# File name: click.php
# Written 22nd January 2005 by Klemen Stirn ([email protected])

################################################## ############################
# Copyright 2004-2005 PHPJunkYard All Rights Reserved. #
# #
# The CCount may be used and modified free of charge by anyone so long as #
# this copyright notice and the comments above remain intact. By using this #
# code you agree to indemnify Klemen Stirn from any liability that might #
# arise from it's use. #
# #
# Selling the code for this program without prior written consent is #
# expressly forbidden. In other words, please ask first before you try and #
# make money off this program. #
# #
# Obtain permission before redistributing this software over the Internet or #
# in any other medium. In all cases copyright and header must remain intact. #
# This Copyright is in full effect in any country that has International #
# Trade Agreements with the United States of America or with #
# the European Union. #
################################################## ############################


error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

// Get settings from the settings.php file
require "settings.php";

// First check if the ID is set and if it is valid (contains nothing but numbers)
if(empty($id) || preg_match("/\D/",$id)) {die("Invalid ID, numbers (0-9) only!");}

// Different systems use different line endings
if($settings['system'] == 2) {$newline="\r\n";}
elseif($settings['system'] == 3) {$newline="\r";}
else {$newline="\n";}

// Get lines from file

// Let's found the line that starts with our ID number
foreach ($lines as $thisline) {
if (preg_match("/^($id\%\%)/",$thisline)) {
// We found the line, now we get URL and count from the line
list($id,$added,$url,$count,$name)=explode("%%",$t hisline);
// Increase count by 1 and update this line
$lines[$i]=$id."%%".$added."%%".$url."%%".$count."%%".$name. $newline;
// This line didn't start with ID, lets go to the next one
if($found != 1) {die("This ID doesn't exist!");}

// Rewrite the log file with the updated line
$content = implode('', $lines);
$fp = fopen($settings['logfile'],"wb") or die("Can't write to log file! Please Change the file permissions (CHMOD to 666 on UNIX machines!)");

// Redirect to the link URL
Header("Location: $url");