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Antiguo 22/07/2005, 17:28
Avatar de xcars
Fecha de Ingreso: mayo-2005
Ubicación: El Salvador
Mensajes: 753
Antigüedad: 19 años, 9 meses
Puntos: 4
Alejado del foro de AJAX... pero traigo una sorpresita

Ok, casi no he podido postear ultimamente, he estado muy atareado, pero saben que?? compre un libro de AJAX

y lo estoy empezando a digitalizar, para hacerlo PDF y subirlo. cuando lo tenga completo, lo compartire.

Table Of Contents

0. Introduction
* Introduction
* Who Should Read This Book?
* What’s In This Book?
* Whither XHTML?
* The Book’s Website
o The Code Archive
o Updates and Errata
* The SitePoint Forums
* The SitePoint Newsletters
* Your Feedback
* Acknowledgements
1. DHTML Technologies
* HTML Starting Points
o Step up to Valid HTML
o Step up to Semantic HTML
* Adding CSS
o Simple CSS Example
* Adding JavaScript
o Simple JavaScript Example
o Get Some Tools!
* Further Reading
* Summary
2. The Document Object Model
* The Origins of the DOM
* What is the DOM?
o The Importance of Valid HTML
* Walking DOM Trees
o Finding the Top of the Tree
o Getting an Element from the Tree
o Walking from Parents to Children
* What to do with Elements
o Changing Element Attributes
o Changing Text Nodes
o Changing Style Properties
* Bigger DOM Tree Changes
o Moving Elements
o Throwing Away Elements
o Creating Elements
o Copying Elements
* Making an Expanding Form
* Making Modular Image Rollovers
o Sample HTML Page
* Summary
3. Handling DOM Events
* About Elements and Events
o Common Events
o Hooking Code to Events
o Making Events Work Cross-Browser
* Smart Uses of Events
o Creating Smarter Links
o Making Tables More Readable
* Summary
4. Detecting Browser Features
* Old-Fashioned Browser Sniffing
* Modern DOM Feature Sniffing
o Which DOM Features Should We Test?
o Where Should We Test for DOM Features?
o Testing Non-DOM Features
* Sniffing at Work: scrollImage
o Setting Up the Page
o Demonstrating the DHTML Effect
o How the Code Works
o clientX and clientY Problems
o Browser Detection You Can’t Avoid
o Calculating Screen Positions
* Summary
5. Animation
* Tastefulness and Usability
* Animation Basics
o The setTimeout Function
o The setInterval Function
* Handling Errors
o When to use try and catch
o The body onerror Handler
* Scriptless Animation with GIFs
* Movement Example: Rising Tooltips
o Creating Special Tooltip Content
o Designing the DHTML Library
o Animating the Content
o Full Rising Tooltips Example Listing
* Summary
6. Forms and Validation
* Reasons for Form Validation
o Storing Clean Data
o Defending Against Security Exploits
o Improving User Interactivity
* Simple Client-Side Validation
o Using Regular Expressions
o Connecting Regular Expressions to Fields
o Preparing Quality Error Messages
o Validation Processing
o Checking on Submission
* Client-Server Coordination
o Dangers of Validating on the Client Only
o Full Example: Server Fallback Validation
* Improving Form Usability
o Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
o How to Find Scripts
o Type-Ahead Drop-Down Lists
* Summary
7. Advanced Concepts and Menus
* Creating Menu Content
o Create Semantic Menu Content
o Styling the Menu’s Layout
o Styling the Menu’s Appearance
o Hiding the Secondary Content
* Making the Menu Work
o Advanced CSS Menu Alternatives
o Making Submenus Appear
o Adding Animation
o The Benefit of Object-Based Programming
* Summary
8. Remote Scripting
* Problems with Frames
* Remote Scripting Methods
o Using iframe
o Example: Autoforms
o Hidden Cookie Updates
o Example: Name Resolution
o Example: Checking Usernames
o Other Client-Server Options
* Drawing Code from Servers
o Example: Learning about Beer
o Planning the DHTML Beer Pages
o Generating the Starting Page from Data
o Fetching HTML Fragments
o Fetching and Running JavaScript
* Summary
9. Communicating With The Server
* Communicating With The Server
o Example: Managing Files
o Specifying the File Manager
o Planning the Technology
o Listing Files and Folders
o Server Control Commands
o Implementing Drag-and-Drop
o Expanding and Collapsing Lists
* Using XML-RPC
o Calling XML-RPC APIs
o Example: Weblog Post Editor
* Summary
10. DOM Alternatives: XPath
* Introducing XPath
o Applying XPath to XML
o XPath Learning Resources
* Example: Parsing RSS Feeds
o About RSS 1.0
o Constructing Simple XPaths
o Adding XML Namespaces
o Designing the Blogroll
o Building the Scripts
* Summary
Con Microaplicaciones puedes hacer tu tienda en línea de forma sencilla y rápida, sin costos ocultos y con mucha responsabilidad.