11/07/2005, 12:47
 | | | Fecha de Ingreso: mayo-2003 Ubicación: Panama city, Panama, Panama
Mensajes: 1.154
Antigüedad: 21 años, 9 meses Puntos: 5 | |
Proósito: Convertir los los links e emails en links de html. Utilización: Funciones:
'Convierte los E-Mail's y los Links en enlaces
Function InsertHyperlinks(strInText, strEstilo)
Dim objRegExp, strBuf
Dim objMatches, objMatch
Dim Value, ReplaceValue, iStart, iEnd
strBuf = ""
iStart = 1
iEnd = 1
Set objRegExp = New RegExp
objRegExp.Pattern = "\b(www|http|\S+@)\S+\b"
objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
objRegExp.Global = True
Set objMatches = objRegExp.Execute(strInText)
For Each objMatch in objMatches
iEnd = objMatch.FirstIndex
strBuf = strBuf & Mid(strInText, iStart, iEnd-iStart+1)
If InStr(1, objMatch.Value, "@") Then
strBuf = strBuf & GetHref(objMatch.Value, "email", "_blank", strEstilo)
strBuf = strBuf & GetHref(objMatch.Value, "web", "_blank", strEstilo)
End If
iStart = iEnd+objMatch.Length+1
strBuf = strBuf & Mid(strInText, iStart)
InsertHyperlinks = strBuf
End Function
Function GetHref(url, urlType, Target, strEstilo)
Dim strBuf
if strEstilo <> "" then strEstilo = "class=""" & strEstilo & """"
strBuf = "<a href="""
If urlType = "web" Then
If LCase(Left(url, 3)) = "www" Then
strBuf = "<a href=""http://" & url & """ target=""" & Target & """ " & strEstilo & ">" & url & "</a>"
strBuf = "<a href=""" & url & """ target=""" & Target & """ " & strEstilo & ">" & url & "</a>"
End If
ElseIf UCase(urlType) = "email" Then
strBuf = "<a href=""mailto:" & url & """ target=""" & Target & """ " & strEstilo & ">" & url & "</a>"
End If
GetHref = strBuf
End Function
__________________ Saruman One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. |