Que tipos de gráficas necesitas... si lo que deseas es graficar datos puedes usar cfchart, para crear gráficos de lineas, pie, barras.. etc. Es bastante sencillo de utilizar.
aqui ves los datos que necesitas pasarle a este tag
backgroundColor = "Hex value or Web color"
chartHeight = "integer number of pixels"
chartWidth = "integer number of pixels"
dataBackgroundColor = "Hex value or Web color"
font = "font name"
fontBold = "yes" or "no"
fontItalic = "yes" or "no"
fontSize = "integer font size"
foregroundColor = "Hex value or Web color"
format = "flash" or "jpg" or "png"
gridlines = "integer number of lines"
labelFormat = "number, currency, percent, date"
markerSize = "integer number of pixels"
name = "String">
pieSliceStyle = "solid, sliced"
scaleFrom = "integer minimum value"
scaleTo = "integer maximum value"
seriesPlacement = "default, cluster, stacked, percent"
show3D = "yes" or "no"
showBorder = "yes" or "no"
showLegend = "yes" or "no"
showMarkers = "yes" or "no"
showXGridlines = "yes" or "no"
showYGridlines = "yes" or "no"
sortXAxis = "yes" or "no"
tipBGColor = "hex value or web color"
tipStyle = "MouseDown, MouseOver, none"
title = "title of chart"
url = "onClick destination page"
xAxisTitle = "title text"
xAxisType = "scale or category"
xOffset = "number between -1 and 1"
yAxisTitle = "title text"
yAxisType = "scale or category"
yOffset = "number between -1 and 1"