Bueno he probado con mi tarjeta una prueba de transaccion, y es al momento, sin embargo no veo el monto en mi cuenta de balances pero si en el historial de ordenes. les escribi a estos señores y miren.. a ver si me ayudan saludos
Cita: Dear Ramiro, Thanks for contacting PaySat.com. Concerning your questions: Only captured orders appear in your balance sheet.When an order is captured that means to process the payment and transfer the money. You money tranfer disabled means that you still didn't receive your first payment from PaySat. Money Transfers are scheduled each 2 weeks in PaySat.com. But for new merchants we require a startup history of 6 weeks starting the day your first order is captured, after which, 2 weeks payment schedules are enabled.You still don't have any captured orders to schedule when will be your first payment. P.S.The merchants must not make orders on behalf of the buyer because this is not legitimate in our policy.Regards, Sarah Johnson PaySat Operations PaySat.com