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  #5 (permalink)  
Antiguo 05/06/2005, 17:28
= Tauro =
Fecha de Ingreso: junio-2004
Mensajes: 18
Antigüedad: 20 años, 5 meses
Puntos: 0
Este es el mensaje que me sale:

WARNING: Missing file /lib/modules/2.6.11/build/include/linux/modversions.h
The cause of this problem is usually a missing or misconfigured kernel source tree (and sometimes an incorrect directory or symbolic link).

First ensure that the proper kernel source and compiler packages from your distribution vendor and/or the community are installed.

The linux kernel can then be reconfigured by running "make menuconfig" under the kernel source directory (asually /usr/src/linux).

Verify that the proper options for your system are selected, and the CONFIG_SMP (Symmetric multi-proccesing suport" under "proccesor type and features") is disabled, as this driver is presently designed to work on single-proccesor machines.

Then compile and install your new kernel (for more information about this procedue, see the READ ME file under the kernel source directory), reboot the system using the new kernel, and re-run "hsfconfig".

Y no encontré nada de kernel-headers o kernek-source.

¿Qué puedo hacer ahora?
