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  #112 (permalink)  
Antiguo 29/05/2005, 20:32
Avatar de sjam7
Fecha de Ingreso: diciembre-2001
Ubicación: Guadalajara, Mexico
Mensajes: 3.672
Antigüedad: 23 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 16
Whois con dominios .MX

Por si a alguien le sirve hice un checador de whois para dominios, y por si a alguien le sirve, es una adaptacion de uno que con sultaba los normales (sin mx)
Solo enviale el dominio en la variable domain y extension en la variable suffix via query
Se podria adaptar para mas tipos de dominios aparte de los mencionados, pero creo que puse los mas usados

 'Poner tiempo de espera a 90seg
 Server.ScriptTimeout = 90
 'Whois function to query the whois server
 Private Function whoisResult(whoisURL, strMethod, strResultsStart, strResultsEnd)
 	'Dimension variables
	Dim objXMLHTTP			'Holds the XML HTTP Object
 	Dim strWhoisResultString	'Holds the reult of the whois query
 	'Create an XML object to query the remote whois server
 	Set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
 	'Alternative XML HTTP component, for version 3.0 of XMLHTTP
 	  'Set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
 	'Open a connection to the remote whois server
 		objXMLHTTP.Open strMethod, whoisURL, False
 		'Send the request and return the data
 		'Place the whois registry response into the result string
 		strWhoisResultString = objXMLHTTP.ResponseText
 		'If the domain name is to short then tell them it's invalid
 		If Len(strDomainName) < 3 Then
 			'Set the return result of the function to not valid
			whoisResult = "No Valido - debe tener por lo menos 3 caracteres"
 	'Else if there is an error
 		ElseIF InStr(1, strWhoisResultString, "Error", vbTextCompare) Then
 			'Set the return result of the function to Taken
 			whoisResult = "A ocurrido un error"
 		'Else there was a result
 			'Strip the whois result leaving the data we want
		 whoisResult = resultFormater(strWhoisResultString, strResultsStart, strResultsEnd)
 		End If
 		'Clean up
 		Set objXMLHTTP = Nothing
 End Function
 'Function to strip all non estential returned input
 Private Function resultFormater(strWhoisResultString, strResultsStart, strResultsEnd)
 	'Dimension variables
 	Dim lngResultsStartPos
 	Dim lngResultsEndPos
 	'Find the start position in the returned data of the result
 	lngResultsStartPos = InStr(1, strWhoisResultString, strResultsStart, 1) + Len(strResultsStart)
 	'Find the end position in the returned data of the result
 	lngResultsEndPos = InStr(lngResultsStartPos, strWhoisResultString, strResultsEnd, 1)
 	'Make sure the end position is not in error
	If lngResultsEndPos - lngResultsStartPos =< Len(strResultsStart) Then lngResultsEndPos = lngResultsStartPos + Len(strResultsStart)
 	'Now we know the start and end position of the result, strip the rest and return the result
	resultFormater = Trim(Mid(strWhoisResultString, lngResultsStartPos, (lngResultsEndPos - lngResultsStartPos)))	
 End Function
 'Function to strip non alphanumeric characters
 Private Function characterStrip(strTextInput)
 	'Dimension variable
 	Dim intLoopCounter 	'Holds the loop counter
 	'Loop through the ASCII characters up to - hyphen
 	For intLoopCounter = 0 to 44
 		strTextInput = Replace(strTextInput, CHR(intLoopCounter), "", 1, -1, 0) 
 	'Loop through the ASCII characters from hyphen to numeric charcaters
 	For intLoopCounter = 46 to 47
 		strTextInput = Replace(strTextInput, CHR(intLoopCounter), "", 1, -1, 0) 
 	'Loop through the ASCII characters numeric characters to lower-case characters
 	For intLoopCounter = 58 to 96
 		strTextInput = Replace(strTextInput, CHR(intLoopCounter), "", 1, -1, 0) 
 	'Loop through the extended ASCII characters
 	For intLoopCounter = 123 to 255
 		strTextInput = Replace(strTextInput, CHR(intLoopCounter), "", 1, -1, 0) 
 	'Return the string
 	characterStrip = strTextInput
 End Function
 'Dimension variables
 Dim strDomainName	'Holds the domain name to search for
 Dim strSuffix		'Holds the domain name suffix to search
 'Read in the domain name to search
 'If a domain name has been entred then strip any unwanted characters from it
 If strDomainName <> "" Then
 	'Convert the domain name to check to lower case
 	strDomainName = LCase(strDomainName)
 	'Remove www and http from in front
 	strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, "http://", "", 1, -1, 1)
 	strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, "www.", "", 1, -1, 1)
 	'Remove suffixes
 	strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, ".com", "", 1, -1, 1)
 	strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, ".net", "", 1, -1, 1)
 	strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, ".org", "", 1, -1, 1)
 	strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, ".info", "", 1, -1, 1)
 	strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, ".biz", "", 1, -1, 1)
 	strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, ".tv", "", 1, -1, 1)
 	strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, ".name", "", 1, -1, 1)
 	strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, "", "", 1, -1, 1)
 	strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, "", "", 1, -1, 1)
 	strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, "", "", 1, -1, 1)
 	strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, "", "", 1, -1, 1)
 	strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, "", "", 1, -1, 1)
 	strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, "", "", 1, -1, 1)
 	strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, "", "", 1, -1, 1)
 	strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, "", "", 1, -1, 1)
 	strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, "", "", 1, -1, 1)
 	strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, "", "", 1, -1, 1)
 	'Remove any hyphens from the first and last characters
 	If Left(strDomainName, 1) = "-" Then strDomainName = Mid(strDomainName, 2, Len(strDomainName))
 	If Right(strDomainName, 1) = "-" Then strDomainName = Mid(strDomainName, 1, Len(strDomainName)-1)
 	'Remove any hyphens double hyphens
 	strDomainName = Replace(strDomainName, "--", "-", 1, -1, 1)
 	'Strip all non aphanumeric characters from the input
 	strDomainName = characterStrip(strDomainName)
 End If
 'If a domain name is enterd check it
 If strDomainName <> "" Then
 	'Display the avialbility
	Response.Write("<b>Resultados de la busqueda de<br> www." & strDomainName & strSuffix & "</b><br><br>")
 	'Call the domain checking function depending on domain suffix
 	If strSuffix = ".com" Then 
	 Response.Write(whoisResult("" & strDomainName & ".com&type=domain", "GET", "<pre>", "</pre>"))
 	'check for .net
 	ElseIf strSuffix = ".net" Then 
	 Response.Write(whoisResult("" & strDomainName & ".net&type=domain", "GET", "<pre>", "</pre>"))
 	'Check for .org	
 	ElseIf strSuffix = ".org" Then 
	 Response.Write(whoisResult("" & strDomainName & ".org&type=domain", "GET", "<pre>", "</pre>"))
 	'Check for .biz	
 	ElseIf strSuffix = ".biz" Then 
	 Response.Write(whoisResult("" & strDomainName & ".biz&type=domain", "GET", "<pre>", "</pre>"))
 	'Check for .info	
 	ElseIf strSuffix = ".info" Then 
	 Response.Write(whoisResult("" & strDomainName & ".info&type=domain", "GET", "<pre>", "</pre>"))	
 	ElseIf strSuffix = "" Then 
	 Response.Write(whoisResult(""&strDomainName&"&domain_type=1&template_type=&object_type_1=&object_type_2=&object_type_3=3&text="& strDomainName &"&current_page=Busqueda.Who_Is_2", "GET", "<pre style=""font-size: 14px; margin-left: 10px;"">", "</pre>"))	
 	ElseIf strSuffix = "" Then 
	 Response.Write(whoisResult(""&strDomainName&"&domain_type=3&template_type=&object_type_1=&object_type_2=&object_type_3=3&text="& strDomainName &"&current_page=Busqueda.Who_Is_2", "GET", "<pre style=""font-size: 14px; margin-left: 10px;"">", "</pre>"))	
 	ElseIf strSuffix = "" Then 
	 Response.Write(whoisResult(""&strDomainName&"&domain_type=5&template_type=&object_type_1=&object_type_2=&object_type_3=3&text="& strDomainName &"&current_page=Busqueda.Who_Is_2", "GET", "<pre style=""font-size: 14px; margin-left: 10px;"">", "</pre>"))	
 	End If  
 	'Finish the red span tag
 End If	   