06/05/2005, 15:35
| | Fecha de Ingreso: marzo-2003
Mensajes: 119
Antigüedad: 22 años Puntos: 0 | |
aquí tienes algo que a mi me funciona.
parser.php: Código PHP: <?php
// {{{ toString()
* This method converts a file to a string. It returns an Error object if it is unable to open the file.
* @param fileName String. The name of the file to convert.
* @return String
* @author simgar
function & toString( $fileName )
if ($content_array = file($fileName))
return implode("", $content_array);
// Error
return false;
// }}}
// {{{ xmlFileToArray()
* This static method converts an xml file to an associative array
* duplicating the xml file structure.
* @param $fileName. String. The name of the xml file to convert.
* This method returns an Error object if this file does not
* exist or is invalid.
* @param $includeTopTag. booleal. Whether or not the topmost xml tag
* should be included in the array. The default value for this is false.
* @param $lowerCaseTags. boolean. Whether or not tags should be
* set to lower case. Default value for this parameter is true.
* @access public static
* @return Associative Array
* @author Jason Read <[email protected]>
function & xmlFileToArray($fileName, $includeTopTag = false, $lowerCaseTags = true)
// Definition file not found
if (!file_exists($fileName))
// Error
return false;
$p = xml_parser_create();
$xml = array();
$levels = array();
$multipleData = array();
$prevTag = "";
$currTag = "";
$topTag = false;
foreach ($vals as $val)
// Open tag
if ($val["type"] == "open")
if (!_xmlFileToArrayOpen($topTag, $includeTopTag, $val, $lowerCaseTags,
$levels, $prevTag, $multipleData, $xml))
// Close tag
else if ($val["type"] == "close")
if (!_xmlFileToArrayClose($topTag, $includeTopTag, $val, $lowerCaseTags,
$levels, $prevTag, $multipleData, $xml))
// Data tag
else if ($val["type"] == "complete" && isset($val["value"]))
$loc =& $xml;
foreach ($levels as $level)
$temp =& $loc[str_replace(":arr#", "", $level)];
$loc =& $temp;
$tag = $val["tag"];
if ($lowerCaseTags)
$tag = strtolower($val["tag"]);
$loc[$tag] = str_replace("\\n", "\n", $val["value"]);
// Tag without data
else if ($val["type"] == "complete")
_xmlFileToArrayOpen($topTag, $includeTopTag, $val, $lowerCaseTags,
$levels, $prevTag, $multipleData, $xml);
_xmlFileToArrayClose($topTag, $includeTopTag, $val, $lowerCaseTags,
$levels, $prevTag, $multipleData, $xml);
return $xml;
// }}}
// {{{ _xmlFileToArrayOpen()
* Private support function for xmlFileToArray. Handles an xml OPEN tag.
* @param $topTag. String. xmlFileToArray topTag variable
* @param $includeTopTag. boolean. xmlFileToArray includeTopTag variable
* @param $val. String[]. xmlFileToArray val variable
* @param $currTag. String. xmlFileToArray currTag variable
* @param $lowerCaseTags. boolean. xmlFileToArray lowerCaseTags variable
* @param $levels. String[]. xmlFileToArray levels variable
* @param $prevTag. String. xmlFileToArray prevTag variable
* @param $multipleData. boolean. xmlFileToArray multipleData variable
* @param $xml. String[]. xmlFileToArray xml variable
* @access private static
* @return boolean
* @author Jason Read <[email protected]>
function _xmlFileToArrayOpen(& $topTag, & $includeTopTag, & $val, & $lowerCaseTags,
& $levels, & $prevTag, & $multipleData, & $xml)
// don't include top tag
if (!$topTag && !$includeTopTag)
$topTag = $val["tag"];
return false;
$currTag = $val["tag"];
if ($lowerCaseTags)
$currTag = strtolower($val["tag"]);
$levels[] = $currTag;
// Multiple items w/ same name. Convert to array.
if ($prevTag === $currTag)
if (!array_key_exists($currTag, $multipleData) ||
$loc =& $xml;
foreach ($levels as $level)
$temp =& $loc[$level];
$loc =& $temp;
$loc = array($loc);
$multipleData[$currTag]["multiple"] = true;
$multipleData[$currTag]["multiple_count"] = 0;
$multipleData[$currTag]["popped"] = false;
$levels[] = ":arr#" . ++$multipleData[$currTag]["multiple_count"];
$multipleData[$currTag]["multiple"] = false;
// Add attributes array
if (array_key_exists("attributes", $val))
$loc =& $xml;
foreach ($levels as $level)
$temp =& $loc[str_replace(":arr#", "", $level)];
$loc =& $temp;
$keys = array_keys($val["attributes"]);
foreach ($keys as $key)
$tag = $key;
if ($lowerCaseTags)
$tag = strtolower($tag);
$loc["attributes"][$tag] = & $val["attributes"][$key];
return true;
// }}}
// {{{ _xmlFileToArrayClose()
* Private support function for xmlFileToArray. Handles an xml OPEN tag.
* @param $topTag. String. xmlFileToArray topTag variable
* @param $includeTopTag. boolean. xmlFileToArray includeTopTag variable
* @param $val. String[]. xmlFileToArray val variable
* @param $currTag. String. xmlFileToArray currTag variable
* @param $lowerCaseTags. boolean. xmlFileToArray lowerCaseTags variable
* @param $levels. String[]. xmlFileToArray levels variable
* @param $prevTag. String. xmlFileToArray prevTag variable
* @param $multipleData. boolean. xmlFileToArray multipleData variable
* @param $xml. String[]. xmlFileToArray xml variable
* @access private static
* @return boolean
* @author Jason Read <[email protected]>
function _xmlFileToArrayClose(& $topTag, & $includeTopTag, & $val, & $lowerCaseTags,
& $levels, & $prevTag, & $multipleData, & $xml)
// don't include top tag
if ($topTag && !$includeTopTag && $val["tag"] == $topTag)
return false;
if ($multipleData[$currTag]["multiple"])
$tkeys = array_reverse(array_keys($multipleData));
foreach ($tkeys as $tkey)
if ($multipleData[$tkey]["multiple"] && !$multipleData[$tkey]["popped"])
$multipleData[$tkey]["popped"] = true;
else if (!$multipleData[$tkey]["multiple"])
$prevTag = array_pop($levels);
if (strpos($prevTag, "arr#"))
$prevTag = array_pop($levels);
return true;
// }}}
?> en tu archivo: Código PHP: include("parser.php");
con print_r($array) puedes ver la estructura del array para poder extraer la información que te interese |